There is Bowleys watch time stamp of 1:10pm. There is Markams clock at 1:04 when she left the house, thus her estimate of 1:06-1:07 of 1st sighting the shooter she thought looked like Oswald as she was on her way to bus stop to wait for a 1:12 bus ( the one she called her 1:15 bus).
There is the hospital emergency room clock, the 1:15 DOA time stamp of the emergency room doctor who pronounced the DOA WHEN the body of Tippit arrives at the hospital AT 1:15.
Note: DOA time stamp is NOT the same as a physicians estimate of death. DOA document is simply marking the time a body arriving at the emergency room was declared as received and found to be dead “on arrival”.
Multiple different clocks and witnesses that verify the shooter of Tippit had to have been at 10th and Patton by approx not later than 1:08 so as to have 1 extra minute for the shooter being followed by Tippit, a conversation , the shooting, lingering and throwing shells and running away out of view before Benevides got out of the car and made the 1st call attempt just before Bowley arrived.
Would people be aware their clocks are running slow by 6 minutes or more since they relied routinely on their clocks and watches to catch buses on time , drive buses, pick up their children at school on time , and sign important legal documents like DOA time of a body arriving at emergency room of a hospital?
Are we supposed to believe that the school clock and Markams work clock , and Bowleys (an engineer no less) watch, and the bus drivers watch and bus company’s clock and the hospital clock were ALL 6-7 minutes slow?