Cool story, bro. And you deserve props for conducting the experiment, but surely you realize that it doesn’t prove anything about anything. It’s mainly an exercise in estimating things to fit what you already believe.
I do have to point out a few problems with your story though. The devil is always in the details.
- Myers has no way of knowing the exact time to the second that Bowley tried to get on the radio.
- Whaley’s trip log says he picked up his passenger at 12:30.
- The traffic would have been very different for Whaley’s reconstruction.
- Whaley originally said he dropped his passenger off at the 500 block of N Beckley.
- Roberts said Oswald was in his room 3 or 4 minutes.
- There is no evidence whatsoever that the man Tippit spoke to “reversed direction”.
- Burt said in his 12/26/63 affidavit that he saw the man enter the alley from Patton Street.
- There is no evidence for what time the ambulance was dispatched from the Dudley-Hughes Funeral Home.
- Robert Brock never said he saw Oswald.
- Postal never said she saw anybody approaching from the East, and certainly never said that she saw Oswald. When Brewer approached her she said “what man?”, and said that she was looking the other direction.
- Roberts said Oswald was in his room 3 or 4 minutes.
Roberts also said Oswald was back in his room NOT OVER 3 or 4 minutes. In addition, she stated that he was back in his room just long enough to grab a jacket and put it on. How long does it take you to grab a jacket and put it on? I can do it in less than a minute and I have no super powers.
- Burt said in his 12/26/63 affidavit that he saw the man enter the alley from Patton Street.
Burt told Al Chapman in 1968 that he and Bill Smith were in the front yard of the house on the corner of Tenth and Denver, one block east of Tenth and Patton. Upon hearing the shots, they looked down the street. Smith said he saw Tippit fall to the ground and the killer run from the scene. Burt said they went to the scene and hung out there for a few minutes before deciding to go off in search of the killer (they had seen him turn south onto Patton). Burt told Chapman that at the point when they were halfway down Patton, they looked west in the alley and saw the guy almost down at the next block.
Burt saw the killer in the alley and assumed that the killer fled south on Patton and then into the alley. But, we know the killer fled all the way down Patton to Jefferson and then west on Jefferson for a block before going behind the Texaco station. The rear lot of the Texaco station butts up against the alley and this is when Burt and Smith saw the guy in the alley behind the Texaco.
- There is no evidence for what time the ambulance was dispatched from the Dudley-Hughes Funeral Home.
For what it's worth, George & Patricia Nash were given a copy of the trip ticket by JC Butler. They stated that the time was 1:18. Butler confirmed that he gave them a copy of the ticket.
- Postal never said she saw anybody approaching from the East...
Postal saw the guy. She said he was just off the sidewalk and had a panicked look on his face.
The rest of your above statements don't warrant a response.