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Author Topic: The Palmprint  (Read 7298 times)

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: The Palmprint
« Reply #64 on: September 23, 2024, 11:44:13 PM »
All these mysteries disappear if we accept that the palmprint was faked.

Until you acknowledge the FBI put this to bed in September of 1964, after all this hand wringing had taken place, simply by the authentication of the palm print on the barrel of the Carcano by referencing the irregularities of the Carcano barrel, it will be forever a mystery.

Yeah Jack, you use this child-like "logic" over and over again.
The unofficial letter you refer to DOES NOT PROVE THE PRINT WASN'T FAKED.
When will you get that into your thick skull.

The point of Hoover's unofficial letter was to avoid answering the very questions being raised in this thread.
Such as - where did the two sets of prints and the fingerprint powder disappear to between being handed over by Day and received by Latona?
They disappeared.
Jack, answer this simple question - how could they disappear?
Hoover's unofficial letter doesn't answer this question.

It doesn't answer why Day used black powder on a dark surface when a novice would have known to use grey powder.
It doesn't answer why Day didn't photograph the print before he attempted the lift, when a novice would have known to do this.
Hoover's unofficial letter doesn't answer why Day didn't hand the lifted palmprint to the FBI with the rest of the evidence gathered that day.
It doesn't answer why Curry and Fritz appeared to have no knowledge of the palmprint when Day testified that he told them about it.
It doesn't answer why Day just stuck the lifted palmprint in his drawer when every ounce of his energy should have been used to identify this print as belonging to Oswald.
It doesn't answer why Day insisted he didn't have enough time to make the identification when he had the lifted palmprint and Oswald's actual palmprint for days. Plenty of time to make the identification.

There are so many issues that Hoover's unofficial letter doesn't answer.
The point of the letter is to give gullible buffoons an easy way out.

Answer just one point Jack - where did the two sets of prints and the fingerprint powder disappear to.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Palmprint
« Reply #64 on: September 23, 2024, 11:44:13 PM »

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: The Palmprint
« Reply #65 on: September 24, 2024, 09:54:31 AM »
Yeah Jack, you use this child-like "logic" over and over again.
The unofficial letter you refer to DOES NOT PROVE THE PRINT WASN'T FAKED.
When will you get that into your thick skull.

The point of Hoover's unofficial letter was to avoid answering the very questions being raised in this thread.
Such as - where did the two sets of prints and the fingerprint powder disappear to between being handed over by Day and received by Latona?
They disappeared.
Jack, answer this simple question - how could they disappear?
Hoover's unofficial letter doesn't answer this question.

It doesn't answer why Day used black powder on a dark surface when a novice would have known to use grey powder.
It doesn't answer why Day didn't photograph the print before he attempted the lift, when a novice would have known to do this.
Hoover's unofficial letter doesn't answer why Day didn't hand the lifted palmprint to the FBI with the rest of the evidence gathered that day.
It doesn't answer why Curry and Fritz appeared to have no knowledge of the palmprint when Day testified that he told them about it.
It doesn't answer why Day just stuck the lifted palmprint in his drawer when every ounce of his energy should have been used to identify this print as belonging to Oswald.
It doesn't answer why Day insisted he didn't have enough time to make the identification when he had the lifted palmprint and Oswald's actual palmprint for days. Plenty of time to make the identification.

There are so many issues that Hoover's unofficial letter doesn't answer.
The point of the letter is to give gullible buffoons an easy way out.

Answer just one point Jack - where did the two sets of prints and the fingerprint powder disappear to.

“Answer just one point Jack - where did the two sets of prints and the fingerprint powder disappear to.”

Dan, this is actually two points, but I will be OK with it. It will just take longer to answer.

Point 1: “where did the two sets of prints disappear to.”

What two sets of prints?

Point 2: “where did the fingerprint powder disappear to.”

No idea, but I bet the fingerprint powder went to the same place the powder that he applied to the magazine housing of the carcano while he was on the 6th floor in front of numerous cops went to. You will answer your own question when you explain where the finger print powder on the magazine housing disappeared to. Just curious but why aren’t you worried about that powder and its color?

“The point of Hoover's unofficial letter was to avoid answering the very questions being raised in the thread.”

Hoover wrote an unofficial document, which authenticated the palmprints, to Rankin and to the WC on FBI letterheads? For what reason? The lab authenticated the palmprint, not Hoover.

Authenticating means just that. They positively identified the palmprint to the exclusion of all others.

 FBI Report --   “This palm print lift has been compared with the assassination rifle in the FBI Laboratory . The Laboratory examiners were able to positively identify this lift as having com from the assassination rifle in the area of the wooden foregrip . This conclusion is based on a comparison of irregularities in the surface of the metal of the barrel with the impressions of these irregularities an shown in the lift . A photograph marked to show several of the irregularities referred to is attached”

I bet the fingerprint powder went to the same place the powder that he applied to the magazine housing of the carcano while he was on the 6th floor in front of numerous cops went to. You will answer your own question when you explain where the finger print powder on the magazine housing disappeared to. Just curious but why aren’t you worried about that powder and its color?

The only real question here is why are you struggling with this? Hard to imagine how someone could not understand authenticating a palmprint on a barrel of a rifle using the irregularities of the barrel.


“Hoover's unofficial letter doesn't answer why Day didn't hand the lifted palmprint to the FBI with the rest of the evidence gathered that day.”

“It doesn't answer why Curry and Fritz appeared to have no knowledge of the palmprint when Day testified that he told them about it.”

First, it is not unofficial, and second how is it a major conspiracy guy like yourself cannot weave a story about the possible reason for Curry and Fritz, and Day’s omission? It seems as if that would be some kind of a given for a real die-hard conspiracy guy. The problem will always be it was authenticated by the FBI Lab.

Mr. DAY. We released certain evidence to the FBI, including the gun, on November 22. It was returned to us on November 24. Then on November 26 we received instructions to send back to the FBI everything that we had

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Palmprint
« Reply #65 on: September 24, 2024, 09:54:31 AM »