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Author Topic: Joe Biden's Legacy  (Read 7871 times)

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: Joe Biden's Legacy
« Reply #48 on: September 17, 2024, 10:59:29 PM »

    Just how many actual Neo-Nazi's are there in the USA? How many KKK members? How many Poor Boys are roaming around? Until any of this is legitimately "quantified", it is purely a scare tactic. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Joe Biden's Legacy
« Reply #48 on: September 17, 2024, 10:59:29 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Joe Biden's Legacy
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2024, 01:34:39 AM »
The point is that, contrary to the claim made by Royell Storing, Biden did not take down any of Trump's wall.  Rather, construction that had already been funded and started continued.  This was not what Biden wanted.  All I said was that if it was such a great wall, how could there be anyone getting across it? That was sarcasm.  The wall itself is next to useless without adequately funded border patrols.  The idea is to ensure that crossings only occur at border posts, which is what the law requires.  But if that was what Republicans wanted, they should not have voted down the bipartisan bill.  In fact, Republican's don't want the problem solved. They want to create fear of "illegal aliens" for political advantage and then, after they get into power, crib up "statistics" to make the fear go away.
You seem to have bought the Trump lies.  Do you also think Haitian immigrants are eating dogs in Springfield?  Funny how that rumour was started by neo-nazis who had previously marched in Springfield to oppose immigration.

The Dems fought the wall tooth and nail.  They used every resource to ensure it wasn't built.  They sued Trump.  They tried to defund the building of the wall.  They claimed he was racist.  A wall works.  How do we know this?  They put one up around the Dem convention to keep people out.  They have one around the WH to keep people out.  Do they stop 100% of the people who might want to cross?  No, but it is better than allowing them to run across a wide-open border.  Even the most delusional, Trump-hater has to acknowledge that the Harris border policy was a catastrophe.  The ONLY reason that the Dems made any effort to control the border after three years is that they were facing political consequences in an election year.  The Republicans rightly rejected those phony efforts.  We need a real solution not a short-term political fix to help them in the polls.  The Dems have deflected the real problems posed by an influx of millions of illegal aliens with nonsense like the pets.   The problems are real and much more serious.  To imply this all just a product of "neo-Nazis" is brainwashed MSNBC nonsense.   You can't drop ten of thousands of illegal aliens in a small community without any resources to deal with them without massive problems.  Medical care, schools, housing, jobs.  None of that was taken into consideration.   

Offline Andrew Mason

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Re: Joe Biden's Legacy
« Reply #50 on: September 20, 2024, 04:54:56 PM »
The Dems fought the wall tooth and nail.  They used every resource to ensure it wasn't built.  They sued Trump.  They tried to defund the building of the wall.  They claimed he was racist.  A wall works.  How do we know this?  They put one up around the Dem convention to keep people out.
What is the point of putting up a wall if it is not patrolled? The wall is easy to climb as the many Youtube videos of people scaling the wall with and without ropes show.  The only way to stop crossings is with well staffed border patrols. And the deal to do that was thwarted by those who complained most about the border: ie. when the Trump sycophants, like Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz, refused to support the bi-partisan border bill. 

They have one around the WH to keep people out.  Do they stop 100% of the people who might want to cross?  No, but it is better than allowing them to run across a wide-open border. 

The Rio Grande River makes up 2000 km of the border.  No one is even suggesting a wall blocking the river.  Americans don't want to have to go over a wall to enjoy their river and I don't think the Mexicans would let the U.S. put it on the Mexican side.  Abbot's sick attempt at eviscerating migrants attempting to cross near El Paso didn't work.  Unless the river is monitored and patrolled - which takes people - you have 2000 km of open border even with a wall.

The Dems have deflected the real problems posed by an influx of millions of illegal aliens with nonsense like the pets.   The problems are real and much more serious.  To imply this all just a product of "neo-Nazis" is brainwashed MSNBC nonsense.   You can't drop ten of thousands of illegal aliens in a small community without any resources to deal with them without massive problems.  Medical care, schools, housing, jobs.  None of that was taken into consideration.
Springfield's Republican mayor and the Republican Governor of Ohio would seem to disagree with you.  They seem pretty happy with the Haitian emigrees who seem to have found jobs and accommodation, schools, etc.  Despite J.D. Vance's distopian view of the situation, things were going rather well in Springfield

They hadn't counted on the additional resources required by the police and law enforcement, however. But that is only recent - to deal with the bomb threats and other security threats created by Trump's baseless allegations. And the only reason he made them was because his campaign was apparently listening to the Neo-Nazi group headed by two ex-marines who made up the rumour.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2024, 07:12:15 PM by Andrew Mason »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Joe Biden's Legacy
« Reply #50 on: September 20, 2024, 04:54:56 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Joe Biden's Legacy
« Reply #51 on: September 22, 2024, 01:23:42 PM »
What is the point of putting up a wall if it is not patrolled? The wall is easy to climb as the many Youtube videos of people scaling the wall with and without ropes show.  The only way to stop crossings is with well staffed border patrols. And the deal to do that was thwarted by those who complained most about the border: ie. when the Trump sycophants, like Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz, refused to support the bi-partisan border bill. 

The Rio Grande River makes up 2000 km of the border.  No one is even suggesting a wall blocking the river.  Americans don't want to have to go over a wall to enjoy their river and I don't think the Mexicans would let the U.S. put it on the Mexican side.  Abbot's sick attempt at eviscerating migrants attempting to cross near El Paso didn't work.  Unless the river is monitored and patrolled - which takes people - you have 2000 km of open border even with a wall.
Springfield's Republican mayor and the Republican Governor of Ohio would seem to disagree with you.  They seem pretty happy with the Haitian emigrees who seem to have found jobs and accommodation, schools, etc.  Despite J.D. Vance's distopian view of the situation, things were going rather well in Springfield

They hadn't counted on the additional resources required by the police and law enforcement, however. But that is only recent - to deal with the bomb threats and other security threats created by Trump's baseless allegations. And the only reason he made them was because his campaign was apparently listening to the Neo-Nazi group headed by two ex-marines who made up the rumour.

So silly and biased.  You ask what is the point of putting up a wall because a few people might climb it?  LOL.  It stops people from walking across the border.  Maybe not 100% but most.  That is certainly a significant improvement over the current situation.  The Dems oppose it solely on political grounds because they can't acknowledge that Trump had a great idea.  And, of course, your criticism of the wall is based on a false premise that the wall would be the only means to stop illegals from crossing.  The border IS well patrolled.  The problem is that under the Biden/Harris administration the Border Patrol is ordered not to enforce the immigration laws but to act as tour guides for those that cross.  Finding them food, transportation and housing instead of deporting them.  The problem isn't a lack of resources but a failure to enforce the law.

Again, with the pet story?  This is the typical leftist deflection hoax to avoid the real issues.  Inflation, crime, Afghanistan disgrace, funding Iran, endless war, corruption, incompetence and on and on.  Or as Tim Walz recently put it: "We can't afford four more years of this."

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Joe Biden's Legacy
« Reply #52 on: September 23, 2024, 01:41:53 PM »
Old Joe appears to have reached the point that he can't be allowed into public view.  His wife is attending cabinet meetings.  He began screeching "who's next" at a recent event.  Sad and bizarre.  The media is now completely ignoring Biden.  Like he is no longer president.  The world, however, is spinning out of control as the endless wars escalate.  Where is Kamala?  Why not send her to Israel to sort things out?  She is equally invisible except for reading off the teleprompter.  She is not qualified to work at a convenience store much less address the serious issues confronting this administration.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2024, 02:00:11 PM by Richard Smith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Joe Biden's Legacy
« Reply #52 on: September 23, 2024, 01:41:53 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Joe Biden's Legacy
« Reply #53 on: September 24, 2024, 02:37:18 PM »
Joe Biden's legacy?  LOL.  The real-world implications of the Biden/Harris catastrophe are on full display today as the endless wars begun from their weakness and incompetence continue to escalate with no end in sight.  The lies told to get Biden elected in 2020 and cover up of his dementia by the media have come home to roost.  Hundreds of thousands are dead in the Ukraine-Russia war.  Hundreds of billions have been wasted.  Every red line that Biden set to avoid escalation has been crossed.  There is no effort to end it.  There is not even a process.  Or a plan to develop a process.  It is endless war.  In Israel, Biden-Harris have bungled this situation time and again.  They funded Iran who backed Hamas.  Now the entire region is at war.  It will take countless years to undo the damage assuming that is even possible. That's the Biden-Harris legacy.  Are the leftists and media apologizing for the lies and conspiracy theories used to get Biden elected in 2020.  Of course not.  They are not concerned with results or consequences.  Only retaining power and keeping Trump out of the WH.  Anything goes for that sole purpose.  It's hard to imagine but just a few months ago, they were telling us nothing was wrong with Old Joe.  He was capable of being president for another four years.  The biggest fraud in American history. 

Where is Kamala in all these disasters?  She is the sitting VP and Dem nominee.  Invisible because she is an incompetent.  Is the media concerned by this and asking her questions about how she will resolve these situations?  No.  They realize she is incompetent.  They don't care about the consequences.  They only want to get her elected.  The sole objective like in 2020.  They will cover up harmful stories, avoid asking difficult questions, and relentlessly fixate on every possible anti-Trump angle to enhance her chances.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Joe Biden's Legacy
« Reply #53 on: September 24, 2024, 02:37:18 PM »