What a joke. You can't authenticate a photo without examining its negative and even then the negatives must not be cut from the reel. The WC only had 1 negative for CE 133-B and not the money shot CE 133-A, which somehow went missing like much of the evidence in this case. Dallas police evidently found three negatives and at least two prints. The WC got only two prints and only one negative. There were at least 6 photos that Marina couldn't recall taking that turned up in the darndest places. So Marina must have been lying and didn't take all the photos, especially CE 133-A.
Roscoe White and the DPD were behind the BYPs and Roscoe was very familiar with darkroom shenanigans. The BYPs were part of Oswald's sheep-dipping and the DPD's aim was to leak a photo showing Oswald with the alleged murder weapons and commie literature to frame him as the patsy. The scope was left on the rifle to match the BYPs, otherwise, it wasn't even sighted in and more than useless to Oswald. Only CE 133-A was good enough quality to read the font on the commie lit, which is why it had to be shot with a different camera and not by Marina. Conspiracy?
The DPD's incriminating connections to the BYPs included backyard re-enactments and a darkroom cutout created from a negative that appeared out of no where and was never admitted into evidence. Clearly, CE 133-A is the smoking anomaly here since its quality does not match the other photos, which couldn't be achieved with the Imperial Reflex 620 camera (CE 750). CE 133-A does not have the same lens distortion as the other photos; in particular the spherical aberration of CE 133-A does not match the other photos. Spherical aberration occurs outside the "sweet spot" of a lens where the image has minimal distortion. Good lenses have less spherical aberration and CE 133-A had to be taken with a decent lens. CE 133-A was obviously the "money shot" and not taken with the Imperial Reflex camera. CE 133-A was taken shortly before CE 133-C but with a better quality camera and not from the same exact location. Perhaps it was taken with the Minox spy camera that was found among Oswald's possessions. At any rate, it was not taken by Marina and clearly intended to show Oswald with the murder weapons and his commie ties, whether he realized he was being sheep-dipped or not.
I created the following blended GIF to demonstrate the glaring differences in distortion between CE 133-A & C. In particular, the discrepancy with the focus and spherical aberration between these 2 photos is so obvious that without a doubt they were taken with different cameras/lenses, yet they were still authenticated by the RIT Professor, whatever that means. I suppose the cutout and the re-enactment photos were authentic too. But what were they intended for? To authenticate the conspiracy?