You're not making your point very convincingly, Oswald's actions, contacts and interactions were widely investigated and therefore a comprehensive picture emerges of exactly who he was. For instance if my life was investigated and my actions were documented and my friends and enemies were interviewed, the man who I am would be revealed.
It's still what you have been told about Oswald. You have no way of knowing if what you are being told is accurate. You just want to believe it is!
It's easy enough to understand that there is a difference between knowing somebody personally or going by what others say about them. So, what is it exactly that you don't understand?
Your argument that I need to know someone personally to know who they really are is flawed, Serial Killers have neighbours who had a great relationship with the killer and then started to notice a foul odour emanating from their home. You hear it all the time that, I never suspected "Bob", he was such a nice guy.
But if these neighbours had a chance to investigate the history of the real "Bob", and know how he defected to the enemy, had a rifle and a revolver which has virtually untraceable bullets all purchased through an alias, how he tried to commit suicide because he had a temper tantrum, bashed his wife, attempted to assassinate someone who didn't share his views, Killed the President, Killed a nice cop who simply stopped him, tried to kill more cops who arrested him, was diagnosed by a professional when he was young that he needed mental help, that he wagged school for a lot of the school year, was unpleasant, etc etc. Then yes, we have a solid foundation that this man was stupid and crazy!