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Author Topic: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.  (Read 42978 times)

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.
« Reply #328 on: January 26, 2025, 02:07:51 AM »
I would suggest that Myers’ synchronization is “rough”. He doesn’t seem to know what the term “margin of error” or “significant figures” mean. He throws around numbers with three significant figures like .671 degrees per frame without acknowledging any uncertainty.

His synchronization

Tyler has a margin of error of about 7 zframes for his placement of the start of Wiegman’s film in front of the TSBD (from z280 to z287) and the Zapruder frames and

Believe whatever you wish to believe Andrew. Here is what I was referencing. I was just trying to inform someone who was trying to figure out which shot he thought Wiegman’s film showed a reaction to. That’s all I was trying to do. However, I will put my bet on Dale Myers’ synchronization graphic being more accurate than Tyler’s. If you look at the first Wiegman frame in Myers’ graphic, it doesn’t even look like the frame you posted. Are you and Mark Tyler even looking at the same “first frame” that Dale Myers is referencing? And, as I said before, Mark Tyler even tells us his estimate is rough. Why is this difference in the two synchronizations so important to you? Does it really make a significant difference to anything at all?

« Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 02:11:28 AM by Charles Collins »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.
« Reply #328 on: January 26, 2025, 02:07:51 AM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.
« Reply #329 on: January 26, 2025, 02:20:29 AM »
I would suggest that Myers’ synchronization is “rough”. He doesn’t seem to know what the term “margin of error” or “significant figures” mean. He throws around numbers with three significant figures like .671 degrees per frame without acknowledging any uncertainty. 

Tyler has a margin of error of about 7 zframes for his placement of the start of Wiegman’s film in front of the TSBD (from z280 to z287).

Myers says that the beginning of Wiegman’s sequence in front of the TSBD was 3.66 seconds before the headshot which would put it at z246. The problem is that the Altgens photo taken at z255 shows only back to the VP security car.  The Cabell car is not yet in the picture.  Yet Wiegman’s sequence begins with the Cabell car having almost completed the turn and the National Press car well into the turn.

So I would suggest that Myers methods are highly questionable and his conclusions not reliable. Failure to state the margin of error, overstating significant figures of accuracy and his generally condescending manner are big red flags for me.

Well it looks like you added to your post while I was responding to it….  ::)

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.
« Reply #330 on: January 26, 2025, 02:36:53 AM »
Well it looks like you added to your post while I was responding to it….  ::)
Yeah. Sorry about that.  I stopped to watch the hockey game and appear to have posted it before I was finished.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.
« Reply #330 on: January 26, 2025, 02:36:53 AM »

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.
« Reply #331 on: January 26, 2025, 02:57:10 AM »

Believe whatever you wish to believe Andrew. Here is what I was referencing. I was just trying to inform someone who was trying to figure out which shot he thought Wiegman’s film showed a reaction to. That’s all I was trying to do. However, I will put my bet on Dale Myers’ synchronization graphic being more accurate than Tyler’s. If you look at the first Wiegman frame in Myers’ graphic, it doesn’t even look like the frame you posted. Are you and Mark Tyler even looking at the same “first frame” that Dale Myers is referencing?

Yes. Myers says:

“ Sequence 11 depicts the motorcade in Dealey Plaza during the shooting and is the focus of this study. The sequence begins when Camera Car 1, in which Wiegman is riding, is in front of the Texas School Book Depository.  … The portion of the Sequence 11 used in this study encompasses frames numbered W001 through W316 and covers a time period of 13.17 seconds; beginning 3.66 seconds before the fatal head shot and ending 9.45 seconds after the head shot. ”

And, as I said before, Mark Tyler even tells us his estimate is rough. Why is this difference in the two synchronizations so important to you? Does it really make a significant difference to anything at all?]
Only if you want to know how the other films synchronize to the Zfilm and you don’t want to be 30 or 40 frames off.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 03:01:09 AM by Andrew Mason »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.
« Reply #332 on: January 26, 2025, 12:22:50 PM »
Yes. Myers says:

“ Sequence 11 depicts the motorcade in Dealey Plaza during the shooting and is the focus of this study. The sequence begins when Camera Car 1, in which Wiegman is riding, is in front of the Texas School Book Depository.  … The portion of the Sequence 11 used in this study encompasses frames numbered W001 through W316 and covers a time period of 13.17 seconds; beginning 3.66 seconds before the fatal head shot and ending 9.45 seconds after the head shot. ”
Only if you want to know how the other films synchronize to the Zfilm and you don’t want to be 30 or 40 frames off.

The graphic I posted above clearly shows W001 at -00:02.95 seconds before the head shot at Z313. I don’t know where your figures came from or why there appears to be a difference. Perhaps Dale Myers could provide an answer if one of us were to ask him.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.
« Reply #332 on: January 26, 2025, 12:22:50 PM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.
« Reply #333 on: January 26, 2025, 02:04:25 PM »
Compare the image you showed as “the first frame” of the Wiegman film to the image that Dale Myers shows as W015. I line up the post of the highway sign (beyond) with the left back tire of the car on the left side of the image. They look very close to the same to me. This is apparently part of the discrepancy. 15-frames in the Wiegman film represents about .6 of a second. If you want to try to declare that Tyler’s animation is more accurate regarding the start of the Wiegman film, than Myers’ film synchronization graphic is. You need to at least use the correct (and same) beginning frame of the Wiegman film.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.
« Reply #334 on: January 26, 2025, 05:01:06 PM »
  Come on folks. This attempted "time linking" of one assassination film to the other is turning out to be nothing short of bad Guess Work. Just look at the recent release of the 0:44 seconds of the Darnell Film. (Darnell riding in and jumping out of Camera Car #3). This 0:44 Darnell Film clip opens with a very clear view of Camera Car #1, (Wiegman's Car), being at a Dead STOP. Camera Car #1 is pictured just (W) of Officer Baker's motorcycle at the (N) Elm Curb. You guys are focusing on Camera Car #1 making the turn onto Elm St. The TSBD Front Door is almost in a direct line with the water pool. By the time that #1 car is at the TSBD Front Door, it is already close to the point it comes to a DEAD STOP as we see it on the Darnell Film. Also, you need to consider that Couch riding in Camera Car #3 filmed Wiegman running Down the Knoll. This means that Wiegman was out of Car #1 and running around Dealey Plaza far earlier than thought for the last 61+ years. And then there is the issue of whether Wiegman STOPPED FILMING during the early segments of his film. In short, this film "sync up" stuff is Not Close to being accurate. I believe this is Exactly why NBC has been sitting on their Original Darnell Film since 11/22/63. Just the opening of the newly released :44 seconds of that  film has already thrown all these previously accepted assassination film timelines into a cocked hat. It also has reignited the discussion of a JFK Limo STOP in connection to these mistaken/Bogus? timelines. The Darnell Film has always been a mass of assorted snippets here-n-there that researchers have struggled to piece together. THIS is exactly why that has been the case. The Complete Darnell Film destroys cavalierly accepted timelines assigned to other assassination films and the timelines assigned to the JFK Assassination eyewitnesses on them.     
« Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 05:34:11 PM by Royell Storing »

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.
« Reply #335 on: January 27, 2025, 08:31:56 PM »

The graphic I posted above clearly shows W001 at -00:02.95 seconds before the head shot at Z313. I don’t know where your figures came from or why there appears to be a difference. Perhaps Dale Myers could provide an answer if one of us were to ask him.

Myers doesn't identify what frames W001 to W015 are.  In all of Wiegman's films on Youtube, the sequence in front of the TSBD starts with what looks like Myers' W015.

Furthermore, there seems to be a difference between the data that Myers posts on his site pages:

and the data that Myers posts in his .pdf version:

He says in the first page that W001 was 3.66 seconds before the head shot and then in the pdf version he says that it was 2.95 seconds before.

If the first is correct, there are an additional 14 frames after W001 at 24 frames per second (as he says on his site page) then the frame that I showed (which appears to be his W015) is 14/24=.58 seconds closer to the head shot (i.e. 3.66-.58=3.08 seconds or 56.3 frames before or z257).   

If the second is correct, there are an additional 14 frames after W001 at 25.8 frames per second (as he says in his pdf version) then the frame that I showed (which appears to be his W015) is 14/25.8=.54 seconds closer to the head shot (i.e. 2.95-.54=2.41 seconds or 44 zframes before z313 or or z269). 

The first cannot be reconciled with Altgens photo at z255.  The second is better but it means that the Cabell car made the entire turn from not being visible in the intersection at z255 (Altgens) - to the position it is seen in W015 - already pointing down Elm St. in 14 zframes or .76 seconds.

I note that in his pdf version Myers does not use the 24 frames per second speed of Wiegman.  Without any evidence of actual testing, he says that the speed is 25.8 frames per second in order to match the previous conclusion that Wiegman ends at z447.

Sorry if I don't find his methods or conclusions persuasive.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2025, 08:51:32 PM by Andrew Mason »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.
« Reply #335 on: January 27, 2025, 08:31:56 PM »