The graphic I posted above clearly shows W001 at -00:02.95 seconds before the head shot at Z313. I don’t know where your figures came from or why there appears to be a difference. Perhaps Dale Myers could provide an answer if one of us were to ask him.
Myers doesn't identify what frames W001 to W015 are. In all of Wiegman's films on Youtube, the sequence in front of the TSBD starts with what looks like Myers' W015.
Furthermore, there seems to be a difference between the data that Myers posts on his site pages:

and the data that Myers posts in his .pdf version:

He says in the first page that W001 was 3.66 seconds before the head shot and then in the pdf version he says that it was 2.95 seconds before.
If the first is correct, there are an additional 14 frames after W001 at 24 frames per second (as he says on his site page) then the frame that I showed (which appears to be his W015) is 14/24=.58 seconds closer to the head shot (i.e. 3.66-.58=3.08 seconds or 56.3 frames before or z257).
If the second is correct, there are an additional 14 frames after W001 at 25.8 frames per second (as he says in his pdf version) then the frame that I showed (which appears to be his W015) is 14/25.8=.54 seconds closer to the head shot (i.e. 2.95-.54=2.41 seconds or 44 zframes before z313 or or z269).
The first cannot be reconciled with Altgens photo at z255. The second is better but it means that the Cabell car made the entire turn from not being visible in the intersection at z255 (Altgens) - to the position it is seen in W015 - already pointing down Elm St. in 14 zframes or .76 seconds.
I note that in his pdf version Myers does not use the 24 frames per second speed of Wiegman. Without any evidence of actual testing, he says that the speed is 25.8 frames per second in order to match the previous conclusion that Wiegman ends at z447.
Sorry if I don't find his methods or conclusions persuasive.