Do you agree that establishing Oswald's ownership of the Mannlicher-Carcano doesn't prove he actually took the shots?
When taken in combination with the fact that the Carcano (sans Mannlicher) was found on the same floor as the Sniper's Nest, the fact that three shells fired from that Carcano were found on the Sniper's Nest floor, the fact that Oswald's prints were found on the Carcano and on two of the four strangely positioned Sniper's Nest boxes, the fact that some fibers found on the Carcano were similar to the fibers in his shirt, the fact that CE-399 and the two largest bullet fragments found in the limo had been fired from that Carcano to the exclusion of all other guns in the world, the fact Buell Wesley Frazier saw Oswald carrying a long package towards the rear door of the TSBD that morning, and the fact that Howard Brennan saw Oswald in the Sniper's Nest window during, just before, or just after the shooting -- the fact that Oswald owned that Carcano suggests to The Reasonable Man that, yes, the sharpshooting, psychologically disturbed, self-described Marxist known as Lee Harvey Oswald "took the shots," and did so with his Carcano.
To think (sic) otherwise is to irrationally believe that a bad guy used Oswald's Carcano to shoot JFK from that location, and that he and oodles and gobs of his bad-guy colleagues had manufactured and then planted oodles and gobs of Oswald-incriminating evidence.
Hmm . . . But wait! How and why did they deform CE-399 so strangely, etc., etc., etc.?
I mean I mean I mean (to borrow a phrase from Jim DiEugenio), if I had to bet my life on whether or not Oswald "took the shots," I'd say "Yes!" . . . wouldn't you?