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Author Topic: Did Lane, Garrison, and Stone, et al., help put Trump in the White House?  (Read 1301 times)

Online Tom Graves

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Did JFK assassination conspiracy theorists Mark "KGB" Lane, overly ambitious, scandal-plagued and revengeful Jim Garrison, and Oliver "Comrade" Stone, et al., unwittingly help put Donald Trump -- Putin's favorite "useful idiot" (or worse) -- in the White House by encouraging our body politic to hate and fear the government?

I say "yes."

What do you say?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2025, 05:13:13 PM by Tom Mahon »

JFK Assassination Forum

Online Richard Smith

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Did JFK assassination conspiracy theorists Mark "KGB" Lane, overly ambitious, scandal-plagued and revengeful Jim Garrison, and Oliver "Comrade" Stone, et al., unwittingly help put Donald Trump -- Putin's favorite "useful idiot" (or worse) -- in the White House by encouraging our body politic to hate and fear the government?

I say "yes."

What do you say?

The KGB from decades ago helped Trump get elected?  LOL.   That may be the single dumbest JFK-related conspiracy theory in history and most tortured example of Trump Derangement Syndrome that has ever been contrived.  Which is saying a lot.  A whole lot.  No one needs to "encourage" the citizens of the US to be skeptical of our government.  The US government provides ample grounds for doing so.  Vietnam, weapons of mass destruction, Afghanistan, Ukraine, COVID, open borders, no pardon for Hunter, Biden is fine behind "closed doors" and on and on.  I say "no."

Online Tom Graves

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The KGB from decades ago helped Trump get elected?  LOL.   That may be the single dumbest JFK-related conspiracy theory in history and most tortured example of Trump Derangement Syndrome that has ever been contrived.  Which is saying a lot.  A whole lot.  No one needs to "encourage" the citizens of the US to be skeptical of our government.  The US government provides ample grounds for doing so.  Vietnam, weapons of mass destruction, Afghanistan, Ukraine, COVID, open borders, no pardon for Hunter, Biden is fine behind "closed doors" and on and on.  I say "no."

Try reading it again.

By the way, didn't you know that during the January-February 1959 Extraordinary (i.e., mid-term) 21st Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in Moscow, the Kremlin, having realized that the USSR and the Warsaw Pact couldn't defeat the US and NATO militarily, decided to try to get us to tear ourselves apart by waging long-term Sun Tzu-like deception, "active measures," and "Inside Man" / "Outside Man" strategic deception counterintelligence ops against us and our NATO allies?

Don't you think the KGB's publishing an anti-Clay Shaw / anti-CIA article in a Communist-owned Italian newspaper (Paese Sera) three days after Jim Garrison had arrested Shaw on suspicion of having organized a "homosexual thrill-kill" assassination of JFK, which article -- given to Garrison by Bertrand Russell's London secretary / Joan Mellen's ex-husband, Ralph Schoenman -- probably motivated overly ambitious, scandal-plagued and revengeful Garrison to change his theory against Shaw to "He Organized it for the Evil, Evil CIA!!!" falls into the category of disinformation / "active measures"?

You do realize, don't you, that Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" was based largely on Garrison's specious 1988 book, "On the Trail of the Assassins," and that it led to something like 70% of Americans' believing the JFKA was a CIA conspiracy, which in turn contributed to the making cynical and paranoiac a good part of our body politic? Which cynicism and paranoia, with help from the likes of Alex Jones, QAnon (Michael Flynn?), and Putin's professional trolls in St. Petersburg, et al. ad nauseam, The Traitorous Orange Person (who was compromised by the KGB by at least 1987) was able to take advantage of during the 2016 and 2020 campaigns and get hisself (sic) "elected."
« Last Edit: January 18, 2025, 04:31:10 AM by Tom Mahon »

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Online Richard Smith

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Whew.  We need more tin foil.

Online Tom Graves

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Whew.  We need more tin foil.

No, you just need to eat fewer high-fructose beans, because you're all too obviously full of them.

(Whew! Someone please open the window!)
« Last Edit: January 20, 2025, 12:39:43 AM by Tom Mahon »

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Online Richard Smith

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No, you just need to eat fewer high-fructose beans, because you're all too obviously full of them.

(Whew! Someone please open the window!)

Those evil Russkies!  Adam "Shifty" Schiff has even seen the evidence of collusion.  C-O-L-L-U-S-I-O-N.  HA HA HA.   Grab the tin foil.  The nonsense you have posted makes the JFK CTers sound like rational people.

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Sorry, you're trying to make cause-and-effect connections that don't add up, don't follow. For example, a Gallup poll from 2023 (that I linked to before) shows that the percentage of Americans who believe there was a conspiracy has actually gone *down* over the last decades. It's gone slightly up over the past decade but is still lower than decades before. It was much higher in the 1990s then now. I suspect the Stone movie was behind most of that rise. What else could it have been?

And 1973 was the peak for conspiracy belief. Clearly, the Vietnam War, Watergate and the revelations about CIA abuses (the "Family Jewels") caused that. Sure, anti-government views and conspiracy belief are probably linked, go hand-in-hand. But I don't think the conspiracy charlatans were the cause of that. Or Moscow either.

So if you believe conspiracy promotion by Lane, Garrison et al. has contributed to greater anti-government views by the public we should have had an outsider, a Trump like person, elected president in the 1990s? That didn't happen.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2025, 01:35:27 AM by Steve M. Galbraith »

Online Tom Graves

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Sorry, you're making connections that don't add up. A Gallup poll from 2023 shows that the percentage of Americans who believe there was a conspiracy has actually gone *down* over the past few years. It was much higher before particularly in the 1990s. I suspect the Stone movie was behind most of that rise. And 1973 was the peak for conspiracy belief. I suspect the Vietnam War, Watergate and the revelations about CIA abuses (the "Family Jewels") caused that. Sure, anti-government views and conspiracy belief are probably linked, go hand-in-hand. But I don't think the conspiracy charlatans were the cause of that. Or Moscow either.

So if you believe conspiracy promotion by Lane, Garrison et al. has contributed to greater anti-government views by the public we should have had an outsider, a Trump like person, elected president in the 1990s? That didn't happen.

Yes, Moscow was involved, not only in spreading and encouraging "The CIA Did It" JFKA CTs, but stuff like "HIV/AIDs was created by the evil, evil CIA," "The rock cocaine epidemic in 'The Ghetto' was caused by the evil, evil CIA," and "One of the main reasons for the Vietnam War was so the evil, evil CIA could make a lot of money trafficking in opium / heroin"?

Regardless, what about the 2016 election, itself?

You don't think the Kremlin was instrumental in Trump's "victory"?

Some people think Putin-loving Mike Flynn is "Q".

Seems plausible to me.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2025, 03:27:07 AM by Tom Mahon »

JFK Assassination Forum