It's been over 60 years since the assassination. That's a long time, a long time to keep this covered it up. People talk, evidence is found. But not here. The most recent claim is that these last remaining documents will expose the conspiracy. Otherwise, it's argued, why have they withheld them? But we know why, we know what's in them. And there's nothing there.
This is the most investigated event in American history. Multiple generations of Americans of all backgrounds inside the government and outside have looked into it. This grand conspiracy idea - or even moderate conspiracy idea - has no basis anymore. There's nothing supporting it. All one has now is conjecture and supposition. "Maybe this" or "Maybe that." You pluck out a piece of evidence or information here, another piece there, and try to assemble it into a large conspiracy. And it simply doesn't work. You have to ignore all of this other counter evidence.
If you believe that multiple generations of Americans have covered this all up - even those today - then there's nothing than can dissuade you. It's a non-falsifiable theory; no evidence, no investigation, no study will persuade you otherwise.
The famous reporter Seymour Hersh, the man who uncovered the CIA and military abuses, e.g., the Family Jewels, My Lai said he met with Stone to discuss the Panama/Noriega movie that Stone was working on. But Hersh said the only thing Stone wanted to talk about was how the CIA killed JFK. Hersh wrote this:
"We had a game-changing row the next morning when I told him this his idea was off the wall and he said in response that he always knew I was a CIA agent."
So again, if you think a Hersh covered this up, and a Tim Weiner, and a Robert Caro with LBJ, and the Washington Post, and the NY Times, and Walter Cronkite, and ABC News and....well, if you believe this then good luck in life. You'll need it.