It was a delight to interview Bill, who is about as knowledgeable about the murder of Officer J. D. Tippit as anyone.
This is a first rate attempt to reconstruct the shooting of Tippit, to put the pieces together. He goes minute by minute, step-by-step and tries to recreate what happened. The Oswald defenders would be smart to try to follow this method, to put together their account of what happened. A Dallas gang killed Tippit? An angry husband? What?
I would suggest the reason they don't is because their alternative reconstruction simply cannot stand, it's a house of conspiracy cards. Benavides didn't identify the shooter. The timeline suggest an earlier shooting. Good, that's a start but that's not a reconstruction of what took place. It's simply a series of "Whatabouts?" that you think clears Oswald. But this isn't a trial; it's an attempt to explain an event. Give us your reconstruction, please.
It might be interesting if Bill reads this for him to give a steelman argument for the event. That is the best possible version of the opponents of the "Oswald killed Tippit" explanation. I can't think of one other than a series of corrupt acts - witnesses coerced to lie; evidence planted and switched - the same old same old conspiracy dodge.