I don't know why I keep wasting my time exposing conspiracy factoids, but the workings of the conspiracy-prone mind do have a weird sort of fascination ...
All over the internet and elsewhere, Clay Shaw is slandered as a LIAR!!! and PERJURER!!! He testified he'd never worked for the CIA but BY GOD HE DID!!!
How many of you know that Garrison's team NEVER MENTIONED the CIA angle? The issue was raised by SHAW'S OWN ATTORNEY, Dymond. Here is the ENTIRE exchange:
Q Mr. Shaw, have you ever worked for the Central Intelligence Agency?
A No, I have not.
There was NO follow-up on cross-examination by the prosecutor, Alcock. There could have been, of course, but there WASN'T.
Did Shaw perjure himself? In preparing a witness for deposition or trial, every lawyer emphasizes above all else to ANSWER ONLY THE QUESTION THAT IS ASKED, and to do so in the most straightforward manner possible. DO NOT VOLUNTEER ANYTHING. DO NOT EXPAND YOUR ANSWER.
In reading Shaw's entire testimony, I was struck by what a model witness he was, a trial lawyer's dream.
Did he "work for" the CIA. He certainly was not an employee. He was not an independent contractor. He was a domestic contact. In testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 7, 1973, Richard Helms stated about the Domestic Contact program, "There is no payment of money. There is no effort to twist anyone's arm. We simply are giving them an opportunity as patriotic Americans to say what they know." There were tens of thousands of domestic contacts.
Did Shaw testify truthfully? I would say so. Were the question and answer rehearsed? Of course. Was the question carefully worded? Absolutely. Did Shaw have any obligation to add, "No, but I did cooperate with the CIA's Domestic Contact Service as a domestic contact"? Hell, no. That was for the prosecutor to bring out on cross-examination if he so desired: "Did you ever have any relationship with the CIA?" or whatever.
Could Shaw have been successfully prosecuted for perjury? NOT IN A MILLION YEARS.
Of all the folks who have been maligned and defamed by CT loons, I put Ruth Paine and Clay Shaw at the very top of the list.