Isn't the problem with JFKA research that there are just too many conspiracy theories? That's why I always eventually lose interest and go back to the Shroud of Turin or Roswell or some other area of weirdness. Jesus, I've heard enough about the Grassy Knoll, the Magic Bullet and whatnot.
CTers may be united against the "tinfoil-hat" crazies who hold the Lone Nut perspective (The Ed Forum folks keep insisting LNers should be banned because they either HAVE TO BE delusional or CIA plants!) but their own diverse theories are so diametrically opposed that they are impossible to square. The current Loudest Voices seem hell-bent force the highest-level LBJ/CIA/etc. theory down our throats. In the abstract, if I were to pick the most likely suspect, it would be The Mafia, pure and simple - which I believe is the view Larry Schnapf holds, and Pat Speer agreed when I suggested it. But The Mafia just isn't emotionally satisfying for the LBJ/CIA crowd. Then, of course, we have the theories that involve so many diverse players - LBJ, the CIA, the SS, the DPD and sure, even the Mafia - that the conspiracy had to involve hundreds of players. It gives the appearance of cranks - yes, even at the level of the Biggest Names - just flailing in all directions.
All the CT community is really interested in, it seems to me - apart from selling books and other varieties of hucksterism, of course - is in creating doubt about the LN scenario or even establishing Oswald's innocence (good luck with that). If I were a CTer with a genuine interest in changing the verdict of history, I would urge my fellow CTers to get their act together and focus on establishing a single, plausible, evidence-based theory. This may not be possible, but that would be the goal. Get back to me when you have one. I even had hopes for The Oswald Puzzle until the very end, then it went into la-la land.
You can't just keep reinventing Oswald, engaging in raw speculation that is so obviously agenda-driven, and expect the verdict of history to take you seriously. The fact that the media loves this sort of stuff (as Walter Cronkite said, "We don't run stories about the cats who don't get caught in trees and don't have to be rescued by firemen") or that "72% of the completely uninformed public thinks there was a conspiracy!" is totally irrelevant to the verdict of history.
No CTer is going to "solve" the JFKA. What is needed is simply a more plausible, evidence-based scenario - if there is one. Attempting to poke dubious holes in the LN narrative won't get you there.