The CTer "mind" can rarely entertain the concept of a single narrative. Those that do are easily exposed as the most deranged (body alterations, faked JFK death, SS agent accidental shooting). As a result, there often is no specific theory much less any agreed upon theory. There is simply a morass of information selectively nitpicked that lends itself to countless possibilities. Many cannot even concede that they are CTers because they refuse to acknowledge the consequences of their own doubts about Oswald's guilt having any validity. If not Oswald, then who or what? They don't care. They go into hysterics if asked to explain what they think happened if, for example, Oswald didn't own and possess the rifle found on the 6th floor. How did it get there, who possessed it etc.? What evidence exists to support these counter possibilities? There's no interest in addressing those issues that arise by direct implication if their concerns with "chain of evidence" or other nonsense have any validity. The most defensible CTer position is not to take one due the lack of supporting evidence and absurdity of any specific theory in the context of the known facts and evidence. Instead, it's just an endless defense attorney game to suggest false doubt. Repeated endlessly.