Does not John Mytton think it was incredibly stupid that Oswald would have filled out a mail order form using his own handwriting style when he could have easily used his left hand and it would have been totally different?
If Oswald was using the fake name Alex Hidel is it not incredibly stupid to allow his own real P.O. Box to receive mail addressed to the fake name?
And is it not incredibly stupid of Oswald to have been carrying this fake ID in his wallet on the day of Nov 22/63 if Oswald was the assassin?
And even more stupid of Oswald to drop that wallet with fake ID in it at the Tippit shooting scene?
Maybe they should exhume Oswald’s body and examine the brain to see if they can determine if he could either have been that stupid or if he was a schizophrenic.
The other remaining options imo are :
1. The DPD and FBI and Will Fritz were engaged in manufacturing , planting and or embellishing evidence.
2. Oswald planned it this way (like smart alek

would ) thinking he could have his cake and eat it too. Ie: Thinking he could leave evidence in a way which would implicate himself, leading to his arrest , and then he figures he will be able to get an attorney of his choice to argue that it was all obviously a set up. He gets this sensational trial of the century and gets acquitted and he’s now the famous Marxist ( writes a book and then interviews etc.)