In their zeal to find sinister implications in everything, I think CTers once again fail to deal with real-world realities.
I just happened to be reading a 1991 memo from the National Archivist (Wilson) to the FBI Director (Sessions) concerning classified World War Two records. He explained that more the 27,000,000 pages remained classified. In just the previous year, some 10,270,000 pages were declassified – but more than that were added. Thousands and thousands of cubic feet remained at the CIA, FBI, DOJ, Army, Navy and numerous other agencies. He described the Archives’ task as essentially impossible.
Yes, WW2 was a bigger event than the JFKA except to all but the most rabid CTers, but the point is that federal records are a huge and messy business and agencies are weirdly protective in matters where the rest of us would see no need for secrecy. As I recall, World War One records were still being declassified well into the 2000s.
Any notion that there is some box or room of smoking-gun records just isn’t realistic, any more than the notion of such a repository of the “real” UFO records is realistic. I once pointed out how many wildly disparate CIA, FBI and National Intelligence Directors there have been since 1963, not to mention Assistant Directors, career employees and grunt-level potential whistleblowers. ALL OF THEM have participated in a JFKA cover-up? Because …. why? Or is there some secret cabal deep underground who raise their children to be their successors and never see the light of day – a veritable High Priesthood of Cover-Up? What do CTers think this cover-up actually looks like?
My guess is, the explanation is the usual one: bureaucratic ineptitude. If any future release of any document actually casts significant doubt on the LN scenario (anywhere except in the mind of Jefferson Morley, of course), I will send everyone here a free coupon for two chalupas (chalupi? chalupae?) and a Diet Coke at Taco Bell. (DO NOT get the new Orange Cream Diet Coke, people. I made that mistake. Even the cashier at Walmart tried to talk me out of it.)