In my estimation, Arlen Specter's single bullet theory, coupled with the rush to repair the damaged limousine and quickly exit Kennedy's body, says there was a conspiracy at the highest level...
What other factors tell the story so simply and convincingly?
Hogwash! They didn't "repair" the limousine. They rebuilt it so that Lyndon Johnson would have a limousine as president.
There were only two things damaged on the limousine by the shooting-and both damaged areas were caused by bullet fragments-FROM BEHIND and one bullet- upon exiting President Kennedy's head. The cracked windshield, and the chrome trimming surrounding the windshield. No other damage.
As far as the single bullet "theory"-it's not a theory, it's a fact. Kennedy and Connally were NOT seated one directly in front of the other like conspiracy theorists have lied about.
Connally was seated lower, and to Kennedy's left, and Kennedy was seated against the inside side of the car, enabling him to rest his right arm on the top, side of the car, causing him to be even further to Connally's right.
Do spend time studying the photographs and films.