Is the conspiracy argument or response that *nothing* would happen to the head as this skull material/matter explodes out the top/right of the head? No recoil? Nothing? We can argue how much and that Alvarez's explanation is an overreach.
The physicist Ken Rahn explains the theory this way. As the bullet passes through the brain
"The pressure builds up isotropically (equally in all directions) inside the head, because the pressure is no longer linked directly to the movement of the bullet. Thus it is not usually possible to predict which part of the head will give way first, other than to note that the weakest parts of the head will generally be the front (the vicinity of the eye sockets) and wherever the bullet left the head. The latter effect is caused by the bullet blasting a larger hole where it leaves than where it enters (because by the time it leaves, the bullet is tumbling and so presents a greater cross-section to the point of exit than to the point of entrance). In the special case where the head is hit from behind, both the exit hole and the weakest parts of the skull will lie at the front of the skull, and it can be reasonably expected that the bulk of the fragments will be expelled frontward.
And most important: "This second phase of the collision imparts a second movement to the head. If fragments are ejected in a preferential direction, they will cause the head to recoil in the opposite direction."
Why won't this recoil happen?
The rest here:
And here:
"Is the conspiracy argument or response that *nothing* would happen to the head as this skull material/matter explodes out the top/right of the head? No recoil? Nothing? We can argue how much and that Alvarez's explanation is an overreach."Any material/matter that has left the head can't cause any kind of recoil.
It is no longer in contact with the head so cannot affect it in any way.
In the example of the balloon I've given, the movement is caused by the continuous flow of air through a relatively small opening.
The balloon is actually a system of air contained within a rubber skin being pressurised by the air outside the balloon. The rubber skin and the air it contains are both elements of the 'balloon system'.
This continuous flow creates a 'column' of air that meets resistance with the air outside the balloon. This force of resistance travels backwards, through the column of air and into the balloon system, causing it to fly in the same direction as the 'backwards' resistance travelling up the column of air into the balloon system (the opposite direction of the flow of air out of the opening)
The second there is a break in the column of air the 'backwards' resistance cannot reach the balloon system and therefore cannot propel it (or cause recoil).
For the Jet Effect to work on JFK's head there would have to be a continuous flow of material/matter exiting the head 'system' through a relatively small opening.
The gigantic wound to the top of JFK's head prevents such a continuous flow. There is no column of material/matter through which the 'backwards' resistance can travel and act on the head system. No Jet Effect.
When a bullet passes through human tissue it often causes an effect called "cavitation" which creates pressure waves within the tissue. I believe this pressure wave was the main factor for the explosive nature of JFK's head wound and in the split second the material/matter was being ejected, and was still connected to the head system, there would have been a negligible amount of recoil.
In z313 we can see what appears to be two "jets" leaving JFK's head, one is very distinct and the other is harder to see. I would argue that these are NOT continuous columns of material/matter and, as such, cannot provide any kind of recoil effect:

In the image below I have highlighted the two "jets" with red lines.
The yellow line is a line drawn through the top of JFK's head to show it's orientation (I've eyeballed it but it's pretty close):

Even if it were the case that these "jets" were continuous, and thus connected to the head system, the main "jet" would be driving JFK's head down and forward, not back and to the left.