True, but, regardless of what the a "Australian" (who keeps posting UK sources) says, this is one of the most famous and important ones.
To decieve Hitler in such a massive way, makes deceiving naive civilians a walk in the park.
this is one of the most famous and important ones.
Hilarious, it was so famous that Iacoletti hadn't even heard of it! Hahahaha!
And I only knew about it because of the recent film, and even then it was a very minor deception and hardly on the huge scale of the alleged CT scale of faking and lying and 60+ years of cover-up.
To decieve Hitler in such a massive way, makes deceiving naive civilians a walk in the park.
Wow, talk about putting a genocidal maniac on a pedestal, do you have a shrine to him to? Because that's just offensive to me since I had many relatives who died and suffered due to that misguided short-sighted megalomaniac with traits of paranoia, but also of anti-social, sadistic, and narcissistic personality disorders.
And to describe the many, many, many experts and scholars who investigated the JFKA at the time and the subsequent years as mere naïve civilians is delusional at best!