Martin said previously that he isn't a conspiracy theorist because he doesn't have a theory, even though his theory is there was a conspiracy, so go figure?
I recall that Iacoletti subscribes to the same mindset.
Strange isn't it!
Typical LN thinking.
It's really very simple, yet a clown like Mytton simply doesn't understand. There are basically two possibilities; either Oswald did it alone or there must have been a conspiracy.
So, when I question the evidence against Oswald and the LNs come up short in answering my questions (as they frequently do) the likelihood of a conspiracy increases.
It's the inability of the LNs to prove their case against Oswald that actually makes a conspiracy more likely.
The post that I am replying to is a perfect example. I've have never said that my theory is that there was a conspiracy. That's just something Mytton made up, because he desperately needs something to attack me with, when he should be spending his time in providing conclusive evidence and convincing arguments for Oswald's guilt in a honest debate. He doesn't do that because he knows just how weak the case against Oswald really is, so he tries to divert attention away by playing silly games.