There was either a conspiracy or there was no conspiracy. There is no in-between. After over sixty years there is no credible evidence of a conspiracy. A lot of us folks who believe in a lone gunman are still keeping an open mind in case any evidence of a conspiracy does surface though.
Because of the many lies spewed by CT authors, many LNers started of as CT's but as our knowledge increased and the actual truth emerged, our opinions changed.
I feel many LNers come to these Forums to perhaps find evidence of some sort of conspiracy but as time goes on, not one CT has any answers and the endless worthless allegations go nowhere.
It's the classic Occam's razor, the totality of the evidence leads to Oswald and an alternative would require manipulation on a grand scale which as we all know is virtually impossible because in the real World people blab and/or make mistakes and when the amount of people stirring the pot is significant the chances of a plot being exposed becomes exponentially greater.
I'm willing to entertain that Oswald was coerced into doing the deed but I would need to see evidence?