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Author Topic: Best books and videos RE conspirator events at Dealey Plaza  (Read 400 times)

Offline Richard White

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Best books and videos RE conspirator events at Dealey Plaza
« on: February 20, 2025, 01:22:54 AM »
Rather than the higher-echelons of the conspiracy I am  more-interested in the events which took place on the day at DP: shooters, locations, the mysterious pools of blood, three tramps, fake secret service, people observed behind the fence, any "famous" Cubans/CIA spotted in DP photos.

May I request book/video/documentary recommendations covering the above topics?

EDIT: not interested in single gunman propaganda.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2025, 03:42:58 AM by Richard White »

JFK Assassination Forum

Best books and videos RE conspirator events at Dealey Plaza
« on: February 20, 2025, 01:22:54 AM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Best books and videos RE conspirator events at Dealey Plaza
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2025, 01:55:59 AM »
Rather than the higher-echelons of the conspiracy I am  more-interested in the events which took place on the day at DP: shooters, locations, the mysterious pools of blood, three tramps, fake secret service, people observed behind the fence, any "famous" Cubans/CIA spotted in DP photos.

May I request book/video/documentary recommendations covering the above topics?

Reclaiming History by Vincent Bugliosi is a good book if you want to know about the events which took place. And then the second part of the book is entitled: “Delusions of Conspiracy What Did Not Happen“. He covers most all of them.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2025, 01:57:05 AM by Charles Collins »

Online John Mytton

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Re: Best books and videos RE conspirator events at Dealey Plaza
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2025, 02:18:41 AM »
Rather than the higher-echelons of the conspiracy I am  more-interested in the events which took place on the day at DP: shooters, locations, the mysterious pools of blood, three tramps, fake secret service, people observed behind the fence, any "famous" Cubans/CIA spotted in DP photos.

May I request book/video/documentary recommendations covering the above topics?

Hi Richard, welcome.

I'll make it easy for you.


The only shooter was Oswald.


The vast majority said that all the shot sounds came from 1 direction meaning no crossfire and they said the shots originated from either the Texas School Book Depository or from the front, and logically since both Kennedy and Connolly  were shot from behind, therefore all shots came from behind and subsequently the earwitnesses who identified shots coming from somewhere in front were deceived by their positioning or the reflection of sound in the Dealey Plaza echo chamber.

the mysterious pools of blood

There were blood splatters on Elm street from the assassination and someone dropped a bottle of fizzy drink.

three tramps

Were real life tramps.

fake secret service

Having Secret Service on the Knoll when nobody was assigned there is asking for an easily exposed plot. But Army Special Agent James Powell said he told the HSCA that he flashed his credentials.

Wray: Do you recall whether you showed that to anyone at the time you were walking around behind the School Book Depository in the vicinity of the railroad yard? I mean, to stop and ask people anything, did you show them that identification?
Powell: I recall that I, I basically recall that I did. Because the officers were curious as to why I was joining them and I just flashed my credentials to show them and that was sufficient at the time and I put them back. I had my camera and so forth. We all sort of walked together back to that area behind the building. But then I left the men in place."

people observed behind the fence

Nobody was seen behind the Grassy Knoll fence, besides it's a silly place to have a shooter so close and why have your "Patsy" behind the Limo and have your whole operation foiled by having tracible shots coming from the front, just how stupid would the Conspirators have to be?
Also 1 of the men on the stairs in front of the Grassy Knoll fence, Emmet Hudson says that the shots came from the other end of Elm street. We can see the men reacting to the shots and they don't have the impression of reacting to shots coming from behind them, whizzing over their heads.

Mr. LIEBELER - Did you have any idea that they might have come from the Texas School Book Depository Building?
Mr. HUDSON - Well, it sounded like it was high, you know, from above and kind of behind like - in other words, to the left.

any "famous" Cubans/CIA spotted in DP photos

I can't help you there, Oswald may have been trying to impress the Cubans but I don't know if they knew what Oswald was planning his assassination.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2025, 02:36:49 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Best books and videos RE conspirator events at Dealey Plaza
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2025, 02:18:41 AM »

Offline Richard White

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Re: Best books and videos RE conspirator events at Dealey Plaza
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2025, 03:42:21 AM »
Hi, if anyone has any non-fantasy suggestions please do provide them.

Online John Mytton

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Re: Best books and videos RE conspirator events at Dealey Plaza
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2025, 03:52:27 AM »
Hi, if anyone has any non-fantasy suggestions please do provide them.

I see you edited your OP, but surely you must realize that investigating both sides will set you on a path of righteousness.

Anyway you must first read this, it's free and will at least give you some balance before your descent into the Dark Side, becomes complete!


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Best books and videos RE conspirator events at Dealey Plaza
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2025, 03:52:27 AM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Best books and videos RE conspirator events at Dealey Plaza
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2025, 11:42:34 AM »
Hi, if anyone has any non-fantasy suggestions please do provide them.

There are no non-fantasy books about conspiracy events that actually took place in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. The “conspiracies” are all conjecture and innuendo and only take place in the minds of the authors and their readers.

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Best books and videos RE conspirator events at Dealey Plaza
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2025, 01:12:18 PM »
Rather than the higher-echelons of the conspiracy I am  more-interested in the events which took place on the day at DP: shooters, locations, the mysterious pools of blood, three tramps, fake secret service, people observed behind the fence, any "famous" Cubans/CIA spotted in DP photos.

May I request book/video/documentary recommendations covering the above topics?

EDIT: not interested in single gunman propaganda.

hello Richard and welcome . as you have seen you have encountered those of the lone nut variety . i see nothing wrong in anyone having a view point that oswald acted alone , everyone is entitled to an opinion .opinions are not a concern , what should be the paramount concern is that what ever our opinion that it is based on fact , proven fact not on bias and closed mindedness .

my suggestion is this start with a blank canvas , an open mind and no bias or agenda . look at the evidence with that in mind , and i believe what ever conclusion you reach after that will be an honest conclusion . an honest conclusion reached is better than a dishonest biased conclusion .

charles i believe offered you reclaiming history , and i am pretty sure mr mytton would concur with him . by all means read it , but then study the valid rebuttals of it and bugliosi .

i also would say that you asked a question that suggests you only want pro conspiracy , and that on that basis you have already decided you know what happened . and what you have decided happened may or may not be correct . but that is not for me to decide upon .

i dont know what if any research you have conducted but harold weisbergs white wash books are excellent , based solely on the warren commission and other official so called investigations . you could call them an investigation of the investigations .the other people here would call harold a conspiracy theorists , but the fact is you wont find harold indulging in any conspiracy theories , but you will see fact after fact . he has some other books such oswald in new orleans , never again , post mortem , case open ( a rebuttal of posners case closed ) and a book on dr kings murder . but in main his work is kennedy based . he was among the very earliest of researchers and critics .i recommend all his books .

from more recent times i suggest reclaiming parkland by james di eugenio and destiny betrayed .

a farewell to justice by joan mellen .

if you want information on oswald in new orleans as i said read oswald in new orleans (weisberg) , a farewell to justice (mellen) , on the trail of the assassins (garrison )  .of course all books mentioned above and others will talk about new orleans .

documentaries ? . well i will give it a go .

the jfk horsemen parts 1 and 2
the jim garrison tapes
best evidence
50 reasons for 50 years (50 parts )
evidence of revision all parts
the mysterious death of number 35 (pat speer )
voodoo geometry (pat speer)

all above are available on youtube and can be found elsewhere .

resources :

 pat speer has an excellent online book of which the above mentioned video series is based on . its free and a must read .

the warren report

testimonies , sworn affidavits , and statements

on youtube helmer reenberg has a raft of jfk related content , much original footage of that tragic day / weekend and much more .

i am sure my post here will be attacked . some may add to my recommendations . but what ever the case keep an open mind .

Offline Richard White

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Re: Best books and videos RE conspirator events at Dealey Plaza
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2025, 03:10:38 AM »
Hi Fergus,

I have read about the JFK case on/off for approximately 18 years, so I'm well-aware there was a conspiracy.

Anyone who understands basic probability will know mathematically it's the most likely outcome. Either EVERY witness/person claiming conspiracy is wrong, OR there was a conspiracy. Given there are probably 500 to 1,000 witnesses suggesting conspiracy, the probability of them ALL being wrong is effectively zero.

However, I'm always learning new bits.

My personal interest is with the operators/mechanics/spotters, hence the request for resources.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Best books and videos RE conspirator events at Dealey Plaza
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2025, 03:10:38 AM »