What does my belief in what happened have to do with my question? A conspiracy theorist could ask the same question. It doesn't matter which side you are on. My view on what happened doesn't make the question invalid.
Again: Why are there so many widely different theories after 60 plus years?
And FWIW, I'm not closed to a conspiracy involving Oswald. Oswald plus someone else. But a small one.
"What does my belief in what happened have to do with my question? A conspiracy theorist could ask the same question. It doesn't matter which side you are on. My view on what happened doesn't make the question invalid."As someone who has accepted a particular JFK theory, you are in a perfect position to answer this question.
It appears to me that the proliferation of theories reflects differing character traits. Various sources will create a theory that reflects how they look at things and then followers come along and choose whichever theory reflects who they are and how they look at the world.
"Conspiracy believers simply start with their conspiracy belief ("Oswald couldn't have done this!!") and then select that information that supports their theory. This is, they reverse engineer a theory. Theory first and then fit the facts to support that theory. The assassination, then, is really a mirror, a Rohrschach test that reveals who the conspiracy believer disfavors."When you posted this I got the impression that you didn't realise this description applies to LNers more than anyone. The Warren Commission has done their thinking for them, their opinions have been provided for them and they will defend this theory to the bitter end. They literally start with their belief that Oswald-Did-It [ODI] and work the evidence from there.
"And FWIW, I'm not closed to a conspiracy involving Oswald...But a small one."Agreed.
My own theory, which is the result of my best interpretation of the evidence wherever it leads, points to a small conspiracy involving a handful of people.
As a theory it will always have holes in it that have to be filled with speculation, but there isn't a single JFK theory, including the ODI theory, that doesn't suffer from the same limitation.