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Author Topic: How Was CE399 Entered Into Evidence?  (Read 266 times)

Online Dan O'meara

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How Was CE399 Entered Into Evidence?
« on: March 02, 2025, 03:29:02 PM »
I've been assuming that, during the Warren Commission's hearings, CE399 was entered into evidence as the bullet that was found in Parkland Hospital.
But I'm also aware that the first four people who dealt with the bullet found in Parkland - Tomlinsom, Wright, Johnsen and Rowley - all refused to identify CE399 as the bullet they handled that day.
I'm also aware that O P Wright, categorically denied CE399 was the bullet.
So, how could CE399 be entered into evidence?
While looking through the testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw I came across this from Arlen Specter:

"Dr. Shaw, I now show you Commission Exhibit 399 which has heretofore been identified as being a virtually whole bullet weighing 158 grains.
May I say for the record, that in the depositions which have been taken in Parkland Hospital, that we have ascertained, and those depositions are part of the overall record, that is the bullet which came from the stretcher of Governor Connally."

What are the depositions taken in Parkland that have somehow confirmed that CE399 " is the bullet which came from the stretcher of Governor Connally."?
The only relevant deposition taken in Parkland Hospital regarding the bullet discovered there was that of Darrell Tomlinson, the man who found the bullet on the stretcher.
In this deposition he is not asked a single question about the bullet itself, he is not asked to describe it in any way. He isn't asked to identify CE399 as the bullet he found, he isn't even shown a picture of it. There is nothing in his testimony that has anything to do with CE399.
The only thing he is asked that has anything to do with the bullet is what stretcher he found it on and he is clear that he wasn't sure which stretcher the bullet was found on.

It was Specter who took Tomlinson's testimony and here we have him stating that CE399 was identified as the bullet that was found on Connally's stretcher.
This is clearly not true as far as Tomlinson's testimony is concerned, so who identified CE399 as the bullet found on the stretcher in Parkland Hospital if it wasn't the man who discovered it?
How could CE399 be entered into evidence as the bullet found at Parkland if nobody ever identified as such?

« Last Edit: March 02, 2025, 03:29:54 PM by Dan O'meara »

JFK Assassination Forum

How Was CE399 Entered Into Evidence?
« on: March 02, 2025, 03:29:02 PM »

Online Michael Capasse

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Re: How Was CE399 Entered Into Evidence?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2025, 03:35:13 PM »
It came in thru Commander Humes.
With an empty promise from Spector, "...subject to later proof..."

« Last Edit: March 02, 2025, 04:35:00 PM by Michael Capasse »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: How Was CE399 Entered Into Evidence?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2025, 06:05:10 PM »
It came in thru Commander Humes.
With an empty promise from Spector, "...subject to later proof..."

Nice one Michael.
Humes gave testimony on the 16th March '64

Mr. SPECTER: Doctor Humes, I show you a bullet which we have marked as Commission Exhibit No. 399, and may I say now that, subject to later proof, this is the missile which has been taken from the stretcher which the evidence now indicates was the stretcher occupied by Governor Connally. I move for its admission into evidence at this time.
The CHAIRMAN: It may be admitted.
(The article, previously marked Commission Exhibit No. 399 for identification, was received in evidence.)
Mr. SPECTER: We have been asked by the FBI that the missile not be handled by anybody because it is undergoing further ballistic tests, and it now appears, may the record show, in a plastic case in a cotton background.
Now looking at that bullet, Exhibit 399, Doctor Humes, could that bullet have gone through or been any part of the fragment passing through President Kennedy's head in Exhibit No. 388?
Commander HUMES. I do not believe so, sir.
Mr. SPECTER: And could that missile have made the wound on Governor Connally's right wrist?
Commander HUMES. I think that that is most unlikely.

A couple of things to note;
1] Specter states that CE399 was taken from a stretcher "which the evidence now indicates" was Connally's stretcher. What evidence?
2] CE399 was still undergoing ballistics test and may not even have been linked via ballistics to the alleged murder weapon when it was admitted into evidence.

As you pointed out, this identification was "subject to later proof". What was this later proof?
On the face of it CE399 seems to have been accepted into evidence solely on the say so of Specter. Specter says it was the bullet found in Parkland and that it was involved in the shooting, therefore it can be admitted into evidence.
Am I missing something?

If it can be demonstrated that there was never any evidence that the bullet came from Connally's stretcher and that no "later proof" was ever offered, what does this mean for the validity of CE399 as a piece of evidence?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: How Was CE399 Entered Into Evidence?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2025, 06:05:10 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: How Was CE399 Entered Into Evidence?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2025, 11:10:21 PM »
On March 16th CE399 is entered into evidence "subject to later proof"
Fifteen days later, March 31st, Robert Frazier (FBI firearms expert) is giving testimony when CE 399 is introduced:

Mr. Eisenberg: Mr. Frazier, I now hand you Commission Exhibit 399, which, for the record, is a bullet, and also for the record, it is a bullet which was found in the Parkland Hospital following the assassination. Are you familiar with this exhibit?

No longer is there the need to add "subject to later proof", CE399 is presented as the bullet found in Parkland as if it were a proven fact.
What has happened in between the 16th and the 31st that has given the Warren Commission such confidence?
There was only one witness in between these dates whose questioning had anything to do with the bullet found in Parkland Hospital - Darrell Tomlinson, the man who initially found the bullet. Other than which stretcher the bullet was found on, Tomlinson was not asked a single question about the bullet he discovered. Considering that this is one of the most important pieces of evidence in the whole case, the piece of evidence upon which the Single Bullet theory rests, it is inconceivable that Tomlinson was not asked to describe the bullet, describe the events surrounding it's discovery and what happened after he discovered it. Above all it is beyond inconceivable that he isn't asked to identify the bullet, that he isn't shown the bullet or even a picture of the bullet to identify. It is a truly mind-boggling thing that Nutters can somehow slide over all this as though it were meaningless to the case.

There is zero evidence presented before the Warren Commission that identifies CE399 as the bullet found on the stretcher.
There is no "later proof", no corroboration, no identification.
Yet it was unquestioningly admitted into evidence.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: How Was CE399 Entered Into Evidence?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2025, 11:10:21 PM »