The JFK Education Forum posts so much misinformation that it's become a joke. In order to push the most ridiculous theories a bunch of self appointed experts who really don't have a clue will latch onto any half assed idea to promote their twisted agenda. And it all starts with those hypocritical moderators, Neidernut and Run Bullman who allow CTs to get away with almost anything, but LNers and a few CT's(who annoy the two moderators) and who do far less are almost instantly banned, I heard Bill Brown copped a hefty ban for practically nothing.
• I would like to make a few threads confronting the Ed Forums more insane theories and start some discussions here!
First of all I'd like to speak about the significant starting point of John Armstrong's theory about Harvey and Lee, two separate young boys, one with a missing tooth, who went on to become Lee Harvey Oswald, yes seriously!
Anyway, one of the foundations of this theory as outlined above is one of the boys having a missing tooth and subsequently the other boy including the one later exhumed, has a full set of teeth, therefore that's PROOF! WOW Eh?
The "Harvey and Lee" gang base the missing tooth proof on a school boy photo of Lee Harvey Oswald with what they claim is a missing tooth but it's nothing of the kind.
Here is the photo, which initially struck me as Oswald having very bad teeth but they couldn't possibly be that bad and considering Oswald was covering his top teeth with his lip, what exactly were we looking at? Noticing Oswald also has his head tilted excessively backwards, forced me to consider the logical alternatives.

So to make an easier comparison I morphed two images of Oswald, the above school photo and a Marine photo where Oswald has all his teeth, which as the theory goes is the other one, either Harvey or Lee, I don't know which one was impersonating who and frankly I don't care about fantasies. But as can be seen plain as day, what we are seeing are the Molar teeth and young Oswald who was either trying to be funny or was probably embarrassed about his odd crooked teeth, was covering them with his upper lip.

To further illustrate my point I made this GIF which used generic perfect teeth, showing the chewing side of the molar teeth which were mistaken for a side on view in the Life photo.

So what do you think about my discovery which isn't that special just common sense, and how about Armstrong's "Harvey and Lee" theory, do you believe it or not?