when are you going to finally stop playing your childish word games?
The most critical observation was that on the night of 22/11/1963 - in front of Law Enforcement Officers - neither LMR nor BWF recognized an unstained CE 142 as being in the possession of Lee Harvey Oswald that very morning.
When is it going to finally sink into your head?
The FBI expert made it absolutely clear - CE 142 was an oblong shaped home made paper bag that was 38 inches in length, with an open untapered and untaped end. In addition, there was NO evidence that any weapon was inside it.
when are you going to finally stop playing your childish word games?
Iacoletti stated that Randle and Frazier stated that the bag was too short to carry the alleged murder weapon. This is an incorrect statement by Iacoletti.
This is about the ability of the witness (in this case, Randle) to be able to properly estimate the length of an object in terms of feet and/or inches versus being able to simply compare the length of one object (the bag) to the length of another object (the alleged murder weapon).
If Linnie Mae Randle had been shown the broken down rifle and said that it was too long to have been in the bag that she saw Oswald carry that morning, then Iacoletti would have a point. But, I haven't been able to find anything showing where she ever said such a thing or that she was ever shown the alleged murder weapon.
Linnie Mae Randle never says what Iacoletti falsely attributes to her.
You can call it word games all you want, it doesn't change the fact that Iacoletti misspoke. A newbie, after reading Iacoletti's false statement, could be left with false knowledge that Linnie Mae Randle told the authorities that the rifle was too long for the bag.
Do you have any evidence of her ever saying such a thing?
Perhaps Randle believed the bag measured about twenty-seven inches and she also would have estimated the length of the broken down Carcano to be... say... twenty-five inches , for example. This would prove that she had the inability to correctly estimate the length of an object (since the broken down Carcano was indeed longer than twenty-five inches).
Iacoletti's falsehood is only valid if Randle was shown the broken down rifle and then stated that it was too long for the bag she saw that morning.