Iacoletti stated that Randle and Frazier stated that the bag was too short to carry the alleged murder weapon. This is an incorrect statement by Iacoletti.
No, it's another word game by Bill Brown. I didn't put quotation marks around it. They stated that the bag was a particular size. The particular sizes that they gave were too short to carry the alleged murder weapon.
You can call it word games all you want, it doesn't change the fact that Iacoletti misspoke. A newbie, after reading Iacoletti's false statement, could be left with false knowledge that Linnie Mae Randle told the authorities that the rifle was too long for the bag.
Yes, it's all for the poor "misled" children.

Except you're the only one who seems to have been confused about what I meant.
None of your hoop jumping changes the fact that both Frazier and Randle estimated the bag was a size that would have been too short to have held that rifle, and furthermore they both said that CE142 was not the bag they saw.