Put 2 things together that prove that rifle shot Walker.
Before we get started, almost every CK will mention the steel jacketed bullet and even though the mutilated Walker couldn't be 100% matched to Oswald's rifle, the bullet couldn't be ruled out.
Lt. Day took the evidence and scratched his name onto the bullet fragment, and that bullet was copper coated.
Mr. BELIN. I will ask you this. Have you ever seen Commission Exhibit 573 before, if you know?
Mr. DAY. Yes, sir; I have.
Mr. BELIN. Could you tell us what 573 is?
Mr. DAY. This slug was gotten from the home of former General Edwin Walker, 4011 Turtle Creek, April 10, 1963, by Detective B. G. Brown, one of the officers under my supervision. He brought this in and released it to me.
Mr. BELIN. You are reading now from a report that is in your possession, is that correct?
Mr. DAY. Yes, sir. Those are the official records of my office.
Mr. BELIN. Was that prepared under your supervision?
Mr. DAY. Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN. In the regular course of your duties at the Dallas Police Department?
Mr. DAY. Yes, sir. The slug has my name “DAY” scratched in itAnd Frazier explains that some individuals refer to these types of bullets as steel-jacketed.
Eisenberg: Is this a jacketed bullet?
Frazier: Yes, it is a copper-alloy jacketed bullet having a lead core.
Eisenberg: Can you think of any reason why someone might have called this a steel-jacketed bullet?
Frazier: No sir; except that some individuals commonly refer to rifle bullets as steel-jacketed bullets, when they actually in fact just have a copper-alloy jacket----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now for the evidence you requested, times 2!
• Found in Oswald's possessions, a photo of Walkers house. Also accompanying is written instructions for Marina which according to specific details can be correspondingly dated at the same time as the Walker assassination attempt, also of note is Oswald saying "if I'm alive and taken prisoner" means he wasn't planning on tiptoeing through the Tulips.

• Found in Oswald's possessions, a map with Walkers house location marked with a cross

• Found in Oswald's possessions, a photo taken with the same photo that took Oswald family snaps, of a laneway next to Walkers house, taken just before the assassination attempt and the time frame of when the photo was taken was determined by partially finished construction.

• And a decade and a half after the WC, when Marina Porter(previously known as Marina Oswald) had no reason to fear being deported she still recalls Oswald telling her about the Walker assassination attempt.
Mr. McDONALD. Directing your attention to that day, April 10, 1963, would you tell us what happened?
Mrs. PORTER. Well, I cannot remember the timing all the very vivid details of day. I just can state it that that particular night he did not come home until very late, and when he did not come home at regular time, I was worried about him. So I found a note addressed to me what to do in case if he did not come home. Of course I was petrified. Nobody I can turn to. But then later that night when he came home, I asked him to explain. He was out of breath and he was pale, and asked him to explain this note, and he said that "I just shot General Walker." So I was very upset and enraged about that, and we had an argument over it.JohnM