Here's a graphic from Dr. Tony Fratini - I consider this proof of Oswald not having carried in the rifle that morning.
It is Frazier - the one and only guy in the whole world that saw Lee carry the package from the palm of his hand to his armpit.
Yes, he claimed he wasn't paying much attention to the bag. But he was sure of how Lee carried it. He never said he was mistaken.

So what is Frazier's mistake? The rifle is 34.8" long - it can be no shorter. About the length of a lady's nine iron (
golf club).
Are we expected to believe that? At the point that Lee was 50 ft. ahead, Frazier mistakenly
did not see the package rise above the shoulder.
And if that was all there was wrong with any connection he might have to the bag, then there should be other evidence to build upon.
Witnesses are questionable. - the first 11 officers never saw the bag. Fingerprints and fiber evidence in the bag are garbage.
All that is left are Nutter excuses of "where are the curtain rods?" "where is the lunch?" as some sort of proof.
But evidence after evidence breaks down and fails. LN makes excuses of, we know he must've
because of everything else.
"must-a-done-its", the entire case is filled with them, and every one them is based on nothing, but to fill in the broken evidence.
There is no need for any conspiracy theory. Just look at the completely failed case against the accused time after time.
And look for the Nutters excuses when I say,
"...there is no reason to believe that rifle was ever broken down or put into that bag...."