1) In the following video @3:33 Buell Wesley Frazier Under Oath, admits that he hardly paid any attention to the bag and the bag could have been protruding out the front of his body, so in other words Frazier who had had no other choice but to tell the truth, and simply all this time has made a self serving assumption for how he perceived Oswald was holding the bag.
I know that VB misrepresents the size of the rifle when he gets BWF to say the package could have ended before rising above the shoulder
That is impossible - look at the 2nd picture BWF shows the smallest the rifle can be hidden. What BWF saw was different than allegedly found.
2) In his WC testimony Frazier powerfully reinforces that he "didn't pay too much attention" to the bag!
Not as powerful as demonstrating how sure he was of the size, as well as the end - top and bottom.
Mr. BALL - You say he had the package under his arm when you saw him?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - You mean one end of it under the armpit?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; he had it up just like you stick it right under your arm like that.
Mr. BALL - And he had the lower part--
Mr. FRAZIER - The other part with his right hand.
Mr. BALL - Right hand?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
Mr. BALL - He carried it then parallel to his body?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right, straight up and down.
Representative FORD - Under his right arm?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes.
and the bottom:
Mr. FRAZIER - I didn't pay much attention, but when I did, I say, he had this part down here,
like the bottom would be short he had cupped in his hand like that...". [/quote]
3) Frazier was a little over 6 foot, so wouldn't that make his underarm to cupped hand a different measurement to the much shorter Oswald, and Linnie Mae originally told the FBI that the bag was about 3 feet long, then while testifying she folded a similar bag to be 28 and a half inches, then aggressively blurts out that the bag was 27 inches the last time she estimated, it obvious that this pair was desperately attempting to decrease the size of the bag.
Mr. BALL - How tall are you?
Mr. FRAZIER - I am 6-foot, a little bit over 6-foot.
Mr. BALL - When you cupped the bottom of your package in the hands, will you stand up, again, please,
and the upper part of the package is not under the armpit, the top of the package extends almost up to the level of your ear.
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
4) Oswald made a special mid-week trip to retrieve his "curtain rods" yet leaves the building without the "curtain rods", why would he do this? In fact the only object that closely resembles the brown paper package was the brown paper package found in the sniper's nest with Oswald's prints! Which BTW was a perfect fit for Oswald's rifle found on the same floor.
Has no bearing on what Frazier saw Oswald carry.
The first 11 officers never saw the bag on the floor. Here are the first 4 testimony:
Sgt. Gerald Hill, the first DPD officer to arrive:"The only specifics we discussed were this. You were asking Officer Hicks if either one recalled seeing a sack,
supposedly one that had been made by the suspect, in which he could have possibly carried the weapon into the Depository,
and I at that time told you about the small sack that appeared to be a lunch sack, and that that was the only sack that I saw,
and that I left the Book Depository prior to the finding of the gun."
Deputy Sheriff Luke MooneyMr. BALL. Did you see a paper bag at any other window?
Mr. MOONEY. No, sir; I didn't.
Mr. BALL. .....Now, was there anything you saw over in the corner?
Mr. MOONEY. No, sir; I didn't see anything over in the corner.
Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig:Mr. BELIN. Was there any long sack laying in the floor there that you remember seeing, or not?
Mr. CRAIG. No; I don't remember seeing any.
Detective Boyd, who arrived with Captain Fritz before Day and Studebaker:Mr. BALL. Did you see any brown wrapping paper near the window where the hulls were found,
near the windows alongside which the hulls were found?
https://jfk.boards.net/post/51765) Why would Oswald lie to multiple interrogators that he had his lunch in the package?
Interrogations are incomplete. Context is lost on much of what he said.
6) Why would Oswald lie to multiple interrogators that he carried the package with him on his lap on the front seat?
Interrogations are incomplete. Context is lost on much of what he said.
7) Why did Oswald upon arriving at Frazier's house immediately hide the rifle on the back seat of Frazier's car?
Only you say it was hidden. It was laid on the backseat. DPD measured as Frazier remembered it - at about 28 inches across.
Michael I know you are a devoted Anybody but Oswald freak and you will have a bunch of zany irrational answers to my questions but do you really think that your implausible answers would be enough to sway a sane impartial Jury? I'll give you a hint, your weak attempts at refutation would be met with howls of laughter!
Most of what you posted here, is not even evidence.