It's when the airline timetable shows that X couldn't have made it to NYC in time to be seen the LN tosspot evidence falls apart and their hissy fits begin. Like when Oswald "escaped" from the Plaza by bus, by cab or whatever... ROFL.
You are gaining a dim understanding of logic. Who thought it possible? Here it is again. If the evidence proves that person A is in Paris in the morning and in NYC the next day because the evidence demonstrates that he is NYC, we know beyond all doubt that he made it from Paris to NYC because the evidence demonstrates that it happened. It's not necessary to then prove what plane he took, how he was dressed etc to reach that conclusion. The inability to know all those details with certainty does not cast doubt on that relevant conclusion.
CTers would agonize over descriptions of the person's clothing, height, age on the plane from other passengers to suggest there is doubt. Any discrepancy would be pounced on as creating doubt. They would argue about "chain of custody," and timelines while often applying subjective criteria to the witness testimony. Even if there are holes in the timeline, witness contradictions, unknowns, it doesn't change the evidence that places the person in NYC. If the person is there, that means he could and did get there even if we don't know every detail of how he got there. However unlikely you want to believe the circumstances, if it happened, then that is definitive of the event. It's like arguing to a person standing right in front of you holding a winning lottery ticket that the odds against winning the lottery are so great that it couldn't possibly happen. That is lunacy. You are looking through the wrong end of the telescope and arguing everything looks small.