It doesn't matter whether Brennan was "remarkably accurate" or "way off", he failed to recognize Oswald at the lineup. Game over. It's remarkable that Richard insists on stumping his small feet to evade this brutal fact.
Game over? Game over?
Sorry Tom but but neither you or I are in a position to make that assertion, it would come down to an unbiased Jury to balance the evidence and then they could draw their own conclusion.
1) As already stated, Brennan's first day affidavit and the subsequent Police radio broadcast closely matched Oswald's description and would be powerful evidence.
2) Oswald's fresh prints in the sniper's nest, the same window Brennan identified.
3) Oswald's rifle.
4) Oswald's flight from the scene of the crime.
5) Special agent Sorrels who testified at the line-up that Brennan told him that man 2, "Oswald" was the closest man.
6) Brennan's testimony under oath that he was afraid for his family because of a possible Communist connection. A very real worry.
7) Brennan stating categorially in his testimony under oath that he could have identified Oswald.
And there you have it, personally I believe it's a slam dunk.