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Author Topic: Prayer Woman  (Read 660780 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1344 on: February 25, 2019, 07:58:06 PM »

Whenever you can prove beyond reasonable doubt that the 5'3" height of Prayer Person is explained by either "leaning", "stepping down with one leg" , then that would be great.

By logical speculation :the reason for Oswald to have returned thru the front door BEFORE Baker and Truly, is because Oswald needed to get his jacket. 3 places most probable to have left his jacket, are 1. the storage room by the front staircase. 2. the Domino room. 3. the 2nd floor lunchroom.

If this premise is correct, then the meeting of Oswald by Baker could be  1. in the front lobby after passing by the front storage room and Oswald comes out. 2. In the Domino room as Baker and Truly pass by it, and Oswald comes out. 3. In the 2nd floor lunchroom, Oswald having gone up the front staircase, and was on the 2nd half of the staircase, thus out of LOS of Baker and Truly when they entered the front lobby. Oswald reaches the 2nd floor lunchroom via outer hallway or going thru the 2nd floor office, and is in the 2nd floor lunchroom about 10 sec before Baker/Truly arrive 2nd floor landing using rear staircase.

The hypothetical scenario option is that Oswald went to the storage room because:

A. Its the closest place to have suddenly been out of sight in only 5 seconds entering the lobby. Going across the lobby in only 5 seconds also could have been missed being seen by Eddie Piper and Troy West, since the lobby is blocked from LOS to where Piper and West were standing on the 1st floor on the other side of the office area.

B. going up the front staircase, and using the hallway or 2nd floor office to get to the 2nd floor lunchroom is in conflict with Geneva Hine being in the hallway and also entering the office in the 40 to 60 sec post shot range of time.

C. going across the lobby, opening the 2nd set of doors, getting thru the locked counter top office area, and then acoss another 50 ft approx to reach Domino room, unseen, not only by Baker and Truly entering lobby just 5 to 10 second after Oswald, PLUS the presence of Eddie Piper and Troy West on the 1st floor over about midway and with LOS to Domino room, the 1st floor office area, the rear elevators and rear stairs, makes this option less probable.

     If Oswald used the front staircase as you say, and then enters the Break Room 10 seconds ahead of Officer Baker, how would Baker see him through that small window on the door leading to the Vestibule? (As testified to by Baker). Do you generally believe the Baker story of seeing Oswald through that Vestibule door window is BS?
« Last Edit: February 25, 2019, 07:59:44 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1344 on: February 25, 2019, 07:58:06 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1345 on: February 25, 2019, 08:05:04 PM »
Mr. BELIN - Did you see anyone else on the first floor while you were eating your lunch? Anyone else at all did you see on the first floor?
Mr. WEST - It wasn't anybody. I didn't see anybody around at that time.
Mr. BELIN - At any time while you were making coffee or eating your lunch, did you see anyone else on the first floor?
Mr. WEST - No, sir; I didn't see.

Hear no evil, see no evil, suffer no evil!  Thumb1:

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1346 on: February 25, 2019, 08:17:48 PM »
Great! Now apply this logic to Mrs Reid's claims  Thumb1:

Mr. DULLES. Yes. Attorney General Carr, do you have any questions?
Mr. CARR. Mrs. Reid, have you had occasion to visit with any of Oswald's relatives, his wife or mother? [BIZARRE QUESTION A...]
Mrs. REID. No.
Mr. CARR. Have they been in there since that date to look over the premises? [AS THOUGH MR CARR HAS GOTTEN WIND THAT MRS REID COMMUNICATED SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO EITHER MRS OSWALD...]
Mrs. REID. His mother has been but I didn't see her. She didn't go any further than the first floor I understand, but I have never seen her other than these pictures.
Mr. DULLES. Is it usual for the employees of the depository to have friends visit them during office hours or would that be an unusual practice? [= QUESTION VERY-MUCH-NOT-A!]
Mrs. REID. No; that would not be unusual. Family or somebody wanted to drop by to see you they never have objected to that.
Mr. BELIN. I think the record should show we are offering in evidence this morning, Mr. Dulles, Commission Exhibit 507 which is the diagram of the seventh floor which Officer Baker testified to. [QUICK! SHUT THIS DOWN!]
Mr. DULLES. You want that admitted now?
Mr. BELIN. We want that admitted now.
Mr. DULLES. No objection. It will be admitted.
(The diagram referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 507 for identification and received in evidence.)
Mr. BELIN. I think those are all the questions we have of Mrs. Reid. [PHEW!]

What on earth was Mr Carr getting at?  ???

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1346 on: February 25, 2019, 08:17:48 PM »

Online Zeon Mason

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1347 on: February 25, 2019, 08:23:24 PM »
Great! Now apply this logic to Mrs Reid's claims  Thumb1:

Ive already just about concluded at least for myself that the Mrs Reid encounter is not only illogical, if the premise is that Oswald was trying to escape ASAP, but that its not even logistically possible for Oswald to have exited via front door before 3 min post shots, since he is only in his T shirt when he exited office at 2 min 25 sec post shots.

Then I considered a possible EARLY meeting with Mrs Reid occuring at approx 50 sec post shots, and the Oswald upon exiting only in his T shirt would have returned to lunchroom to get his jacket and be seen by Baker. But this is DISPROVED by the Couch Film and Wiegman film barring that someone can prove the Couch film is a composite film and was actually started at 6 sec posts shots. GOOD LUCK with that  :)

So yes, Mrs Reid "story" imo, is both illogical, and UNVERIFIABLE as well.

Online Zeon Mason

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1348 on: February 25, 2019, 08:33:06 PM »
     If Oswald used the front staircase as you say, and then enters the Break Room 10 seconds ahead of Officer Baker, how would Baker see him through that small window on the door leading to the Vestibule? (As testified to by Baker). Do you generally believe the Baker story of seeing Oswald through that Vestibule door window is BS?

Its a question of timing. Since both Baker/Truly and Oswald would be in proximity in a 10 sec range of time, its not inconceivable that opening the door, closing the door would cause some kind of change in light intensity streaming thru the 2 windows.

But the Geneva Hine in the hallway as early as 40 sec post shots, kind of conflicts badly with an up the front staircase from front lobby trek by Oswald, imo.
Right now, the Prayer person being Sarah Staunton, one has to wonder why Staunton being a 400 lb obstacle in the way of the oncoming Baker, would not remember having to move out of the way of, nor see Baker, or vis versa, Baker having not mentioned either.
Since there are these people in proximity , then the storage room option for Oswald
 becomes ever more probable than the other 2 options, Domino room or going up to 2nd floor lunchroom, because of being in LOS of others like perhaps Joe Molina, for not more than about 5 secs, before disappearing out of LOS again.

Oswald puts on his jacket while still in the storage room, and exits, and possibly even surprised Baker who is following Truly, across the lobby, about to reach the 2nd set of glass doors.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2019, 08:45:56 PM by Zeon Mason »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1348 on: February 25, 2019, 08:33:06 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1349 on: February 25, 2019, 08:48:12 PM »

Its a question of timing. Since both Baker/Truly and Oswald would be in proximity in a 10 sec range of time, its not inconceivable that opening the door, closing the door would cause some kind of change in light intensity streaming thru the 2 windows.

But the Geneva Hine in the hallway as early as 40 sec post shots, kind of conflicts badly with an up the front staircase from front lobby trek by Oswald, imo.

Right now, the Prayer person being Sarah Staunton, one has to wonder why Staunton being a 400 lb obstacle in the way of the oncoming Baker, would not remember having to move out of the way of, nor see Baker, or vis versa, Baker having not mentioned either.

Since there are these people in proximity , then the option of going to the storage room becomes ever more probable than the other 2 options, Domino room or going up to 2nd floor lunchroom, because of being in LOS of anyone, like perhaps Joe Molina, for not more than about 5 secs, before disappearing out of LOS again. Until then Oswald gets his jacket on from the storage room and then exits, maybe and even kind surprixed Baker coming oiut of that storage room.

           The issue with Baker claiming to have seen Oswald through the vestibule window would be a timing problem. If Baker is within 10 seconds of Oswald, do you believe that Oswald carried his Bottle of Soda Pop with him from the 1st Floor, up the stairway, and down the hall into the Lunch Room? Oswald carrying that Pop Bottle would also mean he had Not finished the drink in roughly 20 minutes from the time he originally purchased it. That Pop Bottle is an issue that Law Enforcement obviously recognized as evidenced by it being Crossed Out by Officer Baker.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2019, 08:50:14 PM by Royell Storing »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1350 on: February 25, 2019, 08:50:06 PM »
       Let's back up the truck. Just because something has been Omitted or Changed, ("P. Parade") does Not mean it has been "corrected" as You claim.
       I am assuming that Oswald went DOWN to the 2nd Floor Lunch Room at Noon/lunchtime to get his soda pop. If this is the case how does he then, "RETURNED to the 1st floor to eat lunch" as we see in the Hosty Notes. If it is true that Oswald was Returning to the 1st Floor, it appears we are missing a piece of Oswald's lunchtime itinerary.

I am assuming that Oswald went DOWN to the 2nd Floor Lunch Room at Noon/lunchtime to get his soda pop.

All of the notes of the interrogators reflect that Lee said that he went UP to the second floor to buy a coke from the vending machine....
Why would you assume that lee was on some floor above the second floor and then went DOWN to the second floor when there isn't an iota of evidence to support such a theory?

If this is the case how does he then, "RETURNED to the 1st floor to eat lunch" as we see in the Hosty Notes.

I assume that you mean the BOOKHOUT  notes....Hosty Never said anything like Lee taking his coke and going out to watch the P parade...

Here's what Hosty wrote....

Fritz... Where were you when the president went by the book depository?

LHO... "I was eating my lunch in the first floor lunchroom."

Fritz... "were you ever on the second floor about the time the president was shot?"   ( I doubt that Fitz used the words " when the President was shot"

LHO... "Well yeah. I went UP there to get a bottle of Coca-Cola from the machine for my lunch."

Fritz... "But where were you when the President actually passed by your building?"

LHO..."On the first floor in the lunchroom" 

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1351 on: February 25, 2019, 09:03:52 PM »
I am assuming that Oswald went DOWN to the 2nd Floor Lunch Room at Noon/lunchtime to get his soda pop.

All of the notes of the interrogators reflect that Lee said that he went UP to the second floor to buy a coke from the vending machine....
Why would you assume that lee was on some floor above the second floor and then went DOWN to the second floor when there isn't an iota of evidence to support such a theory?

If this is the case how does he then, "RETURNED to the 1st floor to eat lunch" as we see in the Hosty Notes.

I assume that you mean the BOOKHOUT  notes....Hosty Never said anything like Lee taking his coke and going out to watch the P parade...

Here's what Hosty wrote....

Fritz... Where were you when the president went by the book depository?

LHO... "I was eating my lunch in the first floor lunchroom."

Fritz... "were you ever on the second floor about the time the president was shot?"   ( I doubt that Fitz used the words " when the President was shot"

LHO... "Well yeah. I went UP there to get a bottle of Coca-Cola from the machine for my lunch."

Fritz... "But where were you when the President actually passed by your building?"

LHO..."On the first floor in the lunchroom"

           YOU are on your own with claiming what we are looking at is Not Hosty's Notes. I understand Hosty took his rough notes from the 3:15 Oswald Interrogation and Organized them on paper prior to then writing his Report. (Hosty's WC Testimony verifies his having done this). But for You to claim we are Not looking at Hosty's Organized Notes as discovered inside the National Archives is your own concoction.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2019, 09:05:17 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1351 on: February 25, 2019, 09:03:52 PM »