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Author Topic: Prayer Woman  (Read 668964 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #192 on: June 22, 2018, 01:12:04 PM »
In a white T-shirt. Baker had just seen him wearing a brown jacket.  ???

Yep, they goofed up!

And not including Geneva Hine in the "time trial".  Thumb1:


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #192 on: June 22, 2018, 01:12:04 PM »

Offline Larry Trotter

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #193 on: June 22, 2018, 04:38:24 PM »
As a reminder for clarification, the LeeHarveyOswald/PrayerManTheory cannot co-exist with the SecondFloorLunchRoomEncounter that occurred at about 12:31:00/12:32:00pm CST. However, testimony exists that confirms the SFLRE at said time, and PrayerPersonImage had just been filmed standing on the Elm St FirstFloorEntranceLanding.


Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #194 on: June 22, 2018, 05:18:22 PM »
As a reminder for clarification, the LeeHarveyOswald/PrayerManTheory cannot co-exist with the SecondFloorLunchRoomEncounter that occurred at about 12:31:00/12:32:00pm CST. However, testimony exists that confirms the SFLRE at said time, and PrayerPersonImage had just been filmed standing on the Elm St FirstFloorEntranceLanding.


Sorry to see you're still playing catchup, Italics! We all know the testimony you reference. Unlike gullible you, however, we also know that testimony does not equal proof. The evolving story told by Baker & Truly is just that----------a story, an agreed narrative whose purpose was the elimination of LHO's alibi.

You still haven't answered my question, so I'll rewrite it in your language in hopes that this might facilitate comprehension on your side:

Do you, MrLarryTrotter, believe, as in lend credence to the claim, that MsSarahStanton, an employee of the TexasSchoolBookDepository, a concern whose salient building was located at 411ElmSt, that latter being a street in Dallas, that locality being a city of Texas, a State in the nation known as TheUnitedStatesofAmerica, saw one LeeHarveyOswald, the now deceased accused in the matter of the shooting of MrJohnFitzgeraldKennedy, USP, and the wounding of JohnConnally, Governor, at 12.30pm CST, a small number of minutes prior to said shooting at/near the recreational lunchroom on the second floor of said building holding what was identifiably a small bottle of 'coke' in his hand? For the record, and in the interests of provable research, I wish to state that by 'hand' is meant no more and no less than a 5-digit body part at the end of an arm.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2018, 06:19:05 PM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #194 on: June 22, 2018, 05:18:22 PM »

Offline Larry Trotter

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #195 on: June 22, 2018, 07:23:52 PM »
Sorry to see you're still playing catchup, Italics! We all know the testimony you reference. Unlike gullible you, however, we also know that testimony does not equal proof. The evolving story told by Baker & Truly is just that----------a story, an agreed narrative whose purpose was the elimination of LHO's alibi.

You still haven't answered my question, so I'll rewrite it in your language in hopes that this might facilitate comprehension on your side:

Do you, MrLarryTrotter, believe, as in lend credence to the claim, that MsSarahStanton, an employee of the TexasSchoolBookDepository, a concern whose salient building was located at 411ElmSt, that latter being a street in Dallas, that locality being a city of Texas, a State in the nation known as TheUnitedStatesofAmerica, saw one LeeHarveyOswald, the now deceased accused in the matter of the shooting of MrJohnFitzgeraldKennedy, USP, and the wounding of JohnConnally, Governor, at 12.30pm CST, a small number of minutes prior to said shooting at/near the recreational lunchroom on the second floor of said building holding what was identifiably a small bottle of 'coke' in his hand? For the record, and in the interests of provable research, I wish to state that by 'hand' is meant no more and no less than a 5-digit body part at the end of an arm.
And how does your question relate to the post, that you, Ford, quoted, which referenced testimony by ML Baker and RS Truly?
Before you make "answer demands", you might review this thread to confirm you have answered questions, appropriately, that were asked of you, AlanFord.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #196 on: June 22, 2018, 09:40:23 PM »
And how does your question relate to the post, that you, Ford, quoted, which referenced testimony by ML Baker and RS Truly?
Before you make "answer demands", you might review this thread to confirm you have answered questions, appropriately, that were asked of you, AlanFord.

Sarah Stanton's sighting of LHO with a coke before the assassination blows a gaping wide hole in the story told to the Warren Commission by Baker & Truly.

Before you make "further contributions" to this thread you might review your inability to offer anything beyond banal restatements of your LNerish sentiment 'I trust witness statements and testimony and deplore any attempt to examine them critically'!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #196 on: June 22, 2018, 09:40:23 PM »

Offline Barry Pollard

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #197 on: June 22, 2018, 11:39:07 PM »
As discussed for some years now, sufficient evidence places LeeHarveyOswald on the 2nd floor as the motorcade drove past the TSBD. Why did you make a non-provable statement?
Why did BuellWesleyFrazier not testify that he saw LeeHarveyOswald on the landing as filmed at/or near the time of the assassination? Why did any known stairs/landing portal area occupant not testify that they had seen LeeHarveyOswald among them on the stairs/landing as filmed at/or near the time of the assassination? Why did LeeHarveyOswald not testify that he was the person represented by PrayerPersonImage, as the assassination occurred?

There's enough of the same circumstantial evidence that puts LHO behind the barrel of a rifle on the sixth and I have trouble believing you dismiss it all after what you wrote in this thread about "reliable evidence". I note also, that you didn't actually say you believe he was on the 2nd floor, so "sufficient" enough for you, as well as others?

Why wouldn't BWF say so? Well in a normal conversation that could be reasoned out, with examples of questioning tactics of the police and even the DPD specifically, the malleability of our memories and historic examples of witnesses convieniently forgeting things that were crucial to the prosecution or defense, perhaps I could make an interesting case, but with someone who's already made clear he needs no help, why should I bother now? BWF was in a world of trouble, arrested and interigated for/and hours after they already had their man, he said it himself in the Gary Mack interview almost in tears, he went to work that day a boy and went to sleep that night man(he was thinking about what happened to him, not JFK), never understanding what he did that made the DPD treat him that way. A nineteen year old, offering their prime suspect an alibli, he must have been mistaken and I'm sure they'd have little trouble persuading him of that and "lying" doesn't even come into it.

Why wouldn't LHO say it? Perhaps he did, I cannot be sure but when he was here, IF he was there, just like BWF he witnessed no shooting and was himself back upstairs before Baker IMHO.

Finally, why would I make an unprovable statement? That's exactly what I responded to, welcome to our planet.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #198 on: June 22, 2018, 11:43:16 PM »

In Wiegman we see LHO, facing forward, raising a sandwich to his mouth with his RIGHT hand (if you look closely you see the left hand does NOT go up)...


? and in Darnell we see him with his arms folded, still facing forward but with head turned east, the sandwich/wrapper still in his RIGHT hand, only that hand is tucked under his left elbow and the protrusion of the sandwich/wrapper is giving the MISLEADING impression of being his left forearm! (The way to see this is to cover up the purported left forearm, take in the image of LHO with arms folded, and then return the purported left forearm to the image. It's quite startling!)

« Last Edit: June 22, 2018, 11:48:11 PM by Alan Ford »

Offline Barry Pollard

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #199 on: June 23, 2018, 01:10:19 AM »
That sandwich wrapper would would have to be made of some very shining material IMO Alan, comparing it to his arms in Wiegman, something ultra reflective,  I guess I'm still comfortable with the bottle or white china mug argument which he could have put down in the preceeding 20s or so. Also I considered your folded arms scenario even doing what you asked and covering up his "left hand" but I don't see it yet. The stabilized footage has him, for me, moving his arms/hands perhaps unwrapping something but since every part of him is moving due of the quality of what we have avaliable, I'm not very sure about that either.

Unrelated but relative.
Since Brian mentioned it at least three times here and concluded that it was another "death nail" before anyone(me and not everyone) knew what he was referring to I have to say it at least once, especially since his analysis is the one we're all suppposed to rely on. Someone drew a picture of a slim Oswald and placed it over PM, I like it but Brian mistook the drawing for a real image and concluded that PM could not be LHO. That's the strength of his analysis, major errors can enter into his enthusiastic approach at any time.
Now regarding what the author of this drawing wrote, he sees a slim Oswald with a reflection in the glass, making us all see a wider person, well, if you put him in a position so that his reflection is seen in that glass from Darnell's POV then he's on the landing, too short and most probably not LHO. I have no problem with just an oversized shirt, don't see any wide hips, or anyway too big to be LHO or any unaccounted for male of similar size stood with one foot down, or even a shorter one on the landing.
Like Michael said, I too would love it to be him and I wouldn't up and leave the case like someone else suggested he would.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #199 on: June 23, 2018, 01:10:19 AM »