Barry, I agree that Stancak has done some terrific work on this but I think Brian is right (it happens now and then!) about the left leg's blocking the radiator in his suggested model of Prayer Man's posture in Darnell. This is a real problem as Darnell shows an unblocked radiator.

Above link's not working Alan but I noticed you pointed this out earlier in a Dfilm frame as did Brian but he couldn't post an example, I see what you do in that frame but I'm just not as sure as you are it's the radiator. I see a line beside it's leg or on it, can't tell if it's significant or not, is it visable in only one frame? "ARTIFACT!", Again not sure but would love to see more.
Here's one for you my man.
You say that Lovelady is only one step lower than PM but in another gif you show him on a higher step, appearing equally as tall as PM, do you see any problem there?
BL was, by the rumours I've heard including BWF, shorter than LHO. That 5.2' estimate from Buell to Gary has to be a mistake though surely,