Unlike some folks, especially those that appear to be playing some stupid game while discussing the assassination of USP JohnKennedySr, and wounding of TxG JohnConnallyJr, I remember the events in Dallas, TX on 11/22/'63, as the reports began being broadcast by radio shortly after 12:30pm, CST. And, it was a real life, and in real time event, as arguably the most powerful man in the free world was murdered while under US SecretService protection, flanked by DPD MotorcycleOfficers, just seconds after passing by and turning in front of the Dallas County Sheriff's Office, and while following a pilot car occupied by the CountySheriff and CityPoliceChief.
The reports were ambiguous and confusing, as chaos was apparent. My teacher, classmates, nor myself could immediately know and understand exactly what was happening and why, as well as the ramifications unfolding. And 2 days later, just as it looked as though some settling down was occurring, LeeOswald was murdered while in police custody.
Needless to say, anxiety was rampant and not easily controlled, but mostly manageable with effort and understanding.
In any event, some early misstatements should have been expected, and reviewed later for thought confirmation. So, a real time, real life event that effects forever, and not a made for TV movie, with rehearsals and retakes for perfection.
The reliable provable evidence that PrayerPersonImage did not represent LeeOswald has been presented, and no evidence has been presented to make the LeeOswald/PrayerManTheory provable.