I'm afraid you're underthinking this, Michael. You have failed----in fact, you haven't even tried----to explain why LHO-as-Lone-Nut-Gunman is the only narrative the conspirators could possibly have wanted to push.
Alan, I just described the alternative - the "Castro did it and let's start WWIII" scenario. And when LBJ Hoover and other powers that be didn't want to start WWIII, then they went to the next scenario - the "crazy Commie lone nut" did it.
Otherwise, there really wasn't any need to create a second, third, and fourth scenario or plot. They had their perfect patsy, someone who could be subtly led around making him think he was doing some kind of intel work, all the while putting him in place to take the fall. They had it all worked out and this is why the kill zone was actually overdone - they left no chances, which means they had shooters all around Dealey. They wanted to make sure 100% that he was going to be dead by the time the car drove under the triple underpass. All of the effort with Oswald would have been for naught if a single shooter from Dal-Tex or wherever would have some how missed his shot.
If you're smart, you know well enough that a single shot from the Dal-Tex building, an easy shot from a mere 100 yards, in the center of his head would have easily done the deed. But why take that chance? So the kill zone was actually overkill IMO.
This is why, too, I don't believe that the so-called other plots in Chicago and Tampa ever happened. It was going to be Dallas where the police department was one of the most corrupt in any big city at that time. This doesn't necessarily mean the DPD was in on the plot - it simply means they can be told what to do. And let's face it, there were many, many people who did not like the Kennedys, the president and the family. It wasn't as if he was Uncle Abe back in the 1860's.
And it was going to be Dallas because Johnson could put the heat on folks down there. He was from there and could tell them what to do. This does not mean Johnson was in on it - again, all the groundwork was laid, the shooting was completed but overdone, and now it's a simple matter of getting people to play ball with the official story. The very first example of that is Rather on live national TV fudging the Zapruder film description. The next is the Katenbach memo. The third was Wade coming out and saying, "We have our man," and so on.
The only remaining loose end was Oswald - he was probably supposed to be killed in some kind of gunfight in the theater (headline - KENNEDY ASSASSIN KILLED BY COP IN THEATER; sub headline - OSWALD THREATENED POLICE WITH PISTOL). Why in the world did he have that pistol? It doesn't make logical sense to have one unless someone *told him* to take one and go to the theater.
When the gunfight didn't happen according to plan, they basically said xxxx it and snuck Ruby in to get rid of him and on national TV no less.