Excellent point, Larry.
-- Tommy
Mr Oswald-----at this point a nobody------steps out front for a minute or less, at a time when everyone is focused on the motorcade and (then) on the mayhem. No big deal that nobody notices his presence.
Several minutes later:
Mr Oswald-------at this point still a nobody------exits the building, passing lots of people. No big deal that nobody notices him.
Why is it that the anti-Prayer Man people can accept #2 above with no difficulty yet consider #1 an impossibility?
He wasn't yet famous, folks! He was as non-famous at 12:30 as at 12:35!Furthermore!
Most people who believe Mr Oswald is Prayer Man believe Mr Frazier
did see him there but was intimidated into silence on this by Captain Fritz. A riddled-with-guilt Mr Frazier has been trying to compensate ever since by going on about the length of the paper bag.
Most Prayer Man advocates also believe that Mr Oswald was seen in the vestibule---i.e. front lobby
--- just after the assassination by Mr Truly and Officer Baker. But those two gentlemen lied at the behest of the authorities. (Shock! Horror! There was a
cover-up )
Thankfully, however, Mr Darnell's film camera
did see Mr Oswald on the steps. All other serious candidates have been ruled out. The fact that this fact drives some people bananas is neither Mr Darnell's fault nor Mr Oswald's!