Yes, I do accept that. I also accept that Oswald claimed to have eaten his lunch with Junior Jarman and Harold Norman. I also accept that Oswald claimed to have been on the second floor at the time of the search of the building, at which time a police officer came into the room with pistol drawn and asked if he worked there. I also accept that Oswald claimed that when he went downstairs, a policeman questioned him as to his identification and his boss stated that 'he is one of our employees'. Do you accept all of those? If not, why not?
I don't know. I doubt it. Should they have been?
That's in the Hosty notes, is it? What Oswald said wasn't suppressed. Bookhout recorded it in one of his FD-302s when he wrote that Oswald went out to hang with Bill Shelley for five or ten minutes.
Thank you for your ample response, Mr Nickerson!

1. Mr Oswald saw Messrs Jarman and Norman 'c(o)me in'. Captain Fritz, being Captain Fritz, inflated that into a claim he'd had lunch with them!
2. Mr Oswald never claimed to have been on the second floor at any time after the assassination. Bookhout has scrambled the chronology!
3. Mr Harry D. Holmes is quite right: Mr Oswald claimed--consistently--to have had an exchange with a police officer at the front entrance!
4. Dontcha find it a rather curious koinkydink that Ms Arnold and Ms Stanton both claimed to have seen something directly corroborative of Mr Oswald's
suppressed claim, viz., a pre-assassination visit to the 2nd floor lunchroom?
5. Bookhout has clearly changed the timeframe of Mr Oswald's claimed move out front. Hosty makes this abundantly clear: 'for the P. parade'. Bookhout's twisted version is a joke, as is anyone who falls for it!