Friends, the reason the Lone Nutters here and elsewhere are performing so wretchedly in their response to the Hosty note revelation is that, for the first time since the Warren Report publication, Mr Oswald is getting a chance to tell his side of the story. This has pulled the last sad piece of threadbare rug from under the Lone Nutters' feet.
For decades the question, Where was Lee Harvey Oswald when the President was shot?, was met with Clear Single Warren Answer vs. Diverse Circumstantial Anti-Warren Answers
Now it has come down to a straightforward contention between Claim A vs Claim B:
-------------'Oswald was at the southeast window on the 6th floor firing'
-------------'Oswald was out front watching the motorcade'
To say that the dumb money is on Claim A doesn't even begin to do justice to the disaster that has just befallen the Warrenistas.
Where does this Hosty note leave the Anti-Warrenistas?
They split now into two groups: those who believe that Mr Oswald lied about his whereabouts, and those who believe he told the truth.
All those Warren Critics who, up to this, have been too devotedly wedded to the official lunchroom story to even entertain the notion that Mr Oswald was out front have been able since 2013 to disparage or ignore Prayer Man as a fringe theory with no more intrinsic merit than the LHO-In-Altgens garbage of yore.
Well, this Hosty note boots them out of their smug zone. If they wish to continue to defend the lunchroom hoax, they must now say that Mr Oswald lied not just about his whereabouts during the motorcade but also about the timing of his visit to the lunchroom.
And if they wish to say
that, they must kindly explain to the rest of us why Mr Oswald would have told these specific lies.
Alternatively, they could just accept this latest piece of evidence in good faith and draw the obvious conclusion: the unaccounted-for figure on the west side of the Depository entrance can only be Mr Oswald.