The "Oswald Is Prayer Man" gullibles, including Larry Grayson lookalike Bart Kamp and Burger Muncher Jim DiNobrainio, are all getting their knickers in a twist over an Ed "Tiny" Ledoux inspired and almost certainly misrepresented
alleged statement by Marina.
Mr Ed claims that in his first interview with Marina, which he states was unrecorded, that Marina said "It's Lee"
If she did say that, and that's a BIG "if" it most probably had a BIG question mark at the end of it, ie, "
It's Lee ? "
How something is said can make a huge difference to the real meaning of a sentence, this is just common sense.
Here is his short second interview with Marina, below, which sums up it's evidentiary value as evidence of Oswald being Prayer Man.
Listen for this "Says It All" sentence ( Quoted Below ) from Marina.
"I am not going to read that book...There are too many characters involved...
All they had to do is compare two faces, Lee and Billy Lovelady...
The rest didn't matter"
In other words, she is saying politely, and she is correct, that the book is a load of crap compiled by the rancid Bearded Skunk Dribbler, Stan "Whiffer" Dane.
Marina hasn't a clue about Prayer Man, no offence to Marina intended.
She obviously thinks that Ledoux's enquiry is about a comparison between Oswald & Billy Lovelady in the " Man In The Doorway" theory.
Here is the process of Marina's
alleged Identification of Prayer Man as Oswald. What a bunch of jokers they are.
Quote: Ed Ledoux:
"When I got to Richard Sprague?s annotated sketches of Weigman and the
label of an unknown figure marked J. she stopped me."
Marina interjected and said ?That?s Lee?
Here is the Sprague "J" sketch that Marina
allegedly identified as Oswald.
Failed Business"Man" Shaky Handed Photographer and Twinkle Toed Klog Tapping Ballet Dancer Kamp should rename his article about Mr Ed's interview with Marina
"Friday The
13th 22nd and The Texas Prayer Man Massacre" .....geddit?
Can anyone NOT see the resemblance? The Sprague sketch looks like a cross between Leatherface and Jason Voorhees.
"Friday The 13th 22nd and The Texas Prayer Man Massacre" Jason Leatherface
The J obviously stands for Jason. Now that's real research folks.
Bye for now, and remember, Barking Bart always says "Shut That Door"