It is not necessary to determine who picked them up but we can draw a reasonable inference that they were probably picked up by Oswald because:
1. He wrote the order - his handwriting was verified by Marina;
2. He carried photo ID in the name of the consignee A. Hidell;
3. He was in possession of guns that are indistinguishable from those shipped shortly after they were mailed (backyard pictures, Gen. Walker shooting admission, Marina identified rifle, etc.)
3. He was in possession of guns that are indistinguishable from those shipped shortly after they were mailed "indistinguishable".... an excellent choice of a word.... Researchers have been debating this point for decades....
I believe that Lee ordered a carcano from Klein's Sporting Goods.......after he and De morhenschildt picked it out of a magazine ad.
I'm inclined to agree with those who believe that Lee possessed a Carcano that was very similar to the carcano that was found in the TSBD and the TSBD rifle
may? be the same rifle that appears in the BY photo CE 133A ....But there are definite differences ( distinguishable) between the TSBD carcano and the rifle in Lee's hand's in CE 133A.
And as to the pistol.... I'm not at all convinced that the pistol he is wearing on his right hip in CE 133A is a S&W model 10..... IMO the pistol on his hip looks like a western style six shooter.