Does that pass for wit in your world? Wow.
Try to follow along. My point is the fact that Oswald left his wedding ring behind, at times, while working in Russia can be used in court as a precedent regarding any claim that Oswald had never left his wedding ring behind prior to 11.22.63
I understand that you're sort of "spit balling it" (in case you're not familiar, that's American slang for sort of brainstorming things).
Priscilla Johnson McMillan quotes Marina in "Marina and Lee" as saying the Lee never took off his ring off and left it behind even when he was doing the grimiest of manual jobs.
In fact, Marina said this about the incident (from her WC testimony):
Mr. RANKIN. Had your husband ever left his wedding ring at home that way before?
Mrs. OSWALD. At one time while he was still at Fort Worth, it was inconvenient for him to work with his wedding ring on and he would remove it, but at work--he would not leave it at home. His wedding ring was rather wide, and it bothered him.
I don't know now. He would take it off at work.
Mr. RANKIN. Then this is the first time during your married life that he had ever left it at home where you live?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes.
Couldn't he, as Marina mentioned, take it off while at work if it got in the way? Put it in his pocket? Why leave it behind? What was he going to do at work day at the TSBD that was different than the other days, days when he wore it?
Yes, besides shoot JFK I mean?