Good set of witnesses for proving SBT.
Austin Miller---Proves SBT----Accounts for all the shots in his statement. One shot hit the street. Two shots hit JFK and JBC. No mention of a seperate shot hitting near Tague.
Royce Skelton----Proves SBT------ Accounts for all the shots in his statement. Two shots hit the street, Two shots hit JBC and JFK. . No mention of a seperate shot hitting near Tague.
Hugh Betzner----Proves SBT------ Two shot witness.
Buddy Walters ----Proves SBT----Talking about Tague, who thought he was struck by the second bullet which again proves the first shot struck both JFK and JBC. Walters obviously thought the head shot was the second shot because he states "the last shot went high and above the presidents car"