Sorry Martin but my Mommy also says you are a "Religious Kook".
I find this entire subject an interesting diversion where I can learn about another time and another place whereas you and your aggressive hostile buddies treat this like a war where anybody who doesn't say Conspiracy is instantly dismissed and thrown to the lions.
Sorry Martin but my Mommy also says you are a "Religious Kook".Which probably explains how you became so obnoxious... No decent upbringing will do that to you!
I find this entire subject an interesting diversion Your fanatical nature tells a different story.
where I can learn about another time and another place Usually, people who want to learn don't have predetermined ideas.... I have never seen you being interested in anything! Just show me the last post in which you actually were interested in anybody's opinions or arguments.....
whereas you and your aggressive hostile buddies treat this like a warYou are cracking me up....
where anybody who doesn't say Conspiracy is instantly dismissed and thrown to the lions.As opposed to instantly being branded a kook and lots of other words by guys like you who will not tolerate even the slightest comment that goes against the WC religion?
You're a pathetic piece of work, Mytton