You seem to be the only one who is pre-occupied with winning arguments. As far as I am concerned, I just call it as I see it. Deal with it....
I'm the only one pre-occupied with winning argument, yet you have to reply to everything I post to try to put your point across and attempt to have the last word?
Well, you can dress it up however you like and say you're just
calling it as you see it but from where I'm standing it looks like you're trying to win an argument to me.
Of course this forum is mainly about speculation when it involves the murders of Kennedy and Tippit. That doesn't mean though that members will let you get away with just posting anything without providing at least some proof for it.
But you were not speculating that Goth believed in cover ups. Once again, you were asking him if he was telling you something which he in fact had not told you. That's not speculation, that's putting words in people's mouth.
I was asking him a simple question, I really don't see the big problem here. Whether I asked him "Are you saying you don't believe in a cover up?", "Are you saying you do believe in a cover up?" or "Do you believe there was a cover up" it all pretty much equates to the same question that a simple "yes" or "no" answer will solve. I'm not exactly convicting him of anything by phrasing a question in a certain way as any of the above questions are totally irrelevant and invalid until he actually replies. It's at that point when his opinion comes out. I really don't see why anyone would get so upset and make such a point about it. Its a question that is asking for an answer, its not a statement or accusation!
And as far as me "butting into a conversation" goes, I was taking part in the conversation in the thread long before you joined the forum and decided to but in. I also did not get defensive over anybody. I just don't like newbies who think they know it all and act accordingly whilst in fact displaying not much more than pure ignorance and who provoke a reply with smart-ass comments like "Super Weidmann".
OK, fair point but within this huge long thread many posts have strayed away from the original point of Oswald's lies. Maybe I should have started a new thread rather than post within this thread? But clearly you did butt into an exchange between me and Goth and accused me of putting words in his mouth.
It's pretty small minded and egotistical to be so hostile to someone just because they're "a newbie". Just because someone only just joined a JFK forum it doesn't mean they know less than you. I'm sure some of most prolific JFK researchers aren't members of this forum so if they were to join tomorrow would you automatically accuse them of being newbies who think they know it all, just because you've been a member of this forum for longer?.
As it stands, and this probably won't surprise you one little bit, I'm by no means an expert on this case. I'm from the UK and the JFK assassination is not even something we're taught in school. I randomly got interested in the case a few years ago and have read numerous books both for, against and neutral to any conspiracy theories. I joined this forum as I don't know anyone else who is interested in this subject and there are several things that I'm curious about that, so far, I have never seen addressed in the books I've read. Hence, I thought that joining something like this would offer some fun discussion and useful insight in to what other people think about certain topics. Sadly, all I've seem to have gotten so far is aggressive replies, demands of "proof" or being told I live in a fairy land and that I just believe anything the government tells me, rather than any actual discussion and the majority of my discussions so far have been completely irrelevant to the JFK assassination and mainly about how I phrase questions to Peter Goth.
As such, I hope you can see why I resorted to such comments as "Super Weidmann". I read your comment and just thought to myself "oh here we go, another nobber who is just going to rant about spombleprofglidnoctobuns without actually addressing the issue.
Wow, touchy.... First of all, you seem to have a reading problem, as nobody said anything about you coming to Mytton's defense. You rather pathetically complained that I did not come to your defense when somebody did not reply to a question you never asked. I in turn pointed out that you also did not come to my defense when Mytton did not reply to my simple question. I thought I had explained it quite clearly, but it seems you didn't understand it after all. Sorry, next time I'll lower the bar even further.
I'm not arsed about what fucking hard evidence or proof this Mytton guy has about his point
So, fact-checking and providing proof for a claim isn't your thing? Go it!
so why the hell are you trying to drag me into a conversation that I've showed absolutely no interest in before?
Again, get your facts straight; you were the one who jumped into the conversation. Nobody dragged you in. In fact, I don't think anybody with a sane mind will ever drag you into an conversation, the way you are behaving.
Again, I refer back to my error of not starting a new thread. I have to admit I was not really following the interactions between you, Goth & Mytton until I was likened to him
The only reason I mentioned this guy was in response to Goth saying I sounded like him and in no way did I give an opinion either way on what he was saying, so I'm just a bit confused as to why you suddenly think me and Mytton are Siamese twins or something.
Goth was right in saying that, and as the discussion has progressed you've only enforced that notion. Having said that, I can't recall having said that I think you and Mytton "are Siamese twins or something". You wouldn't have just made that up, would you? As far as I am concerned you two sound alike, that's all.
Yeah, you didn't say we were Siamese twins. Do you really have to take everything so literally? It was an OTT exaggeration on how you seemed to be assuming me and Mytton were best buddies or something. I thought anyone with an ounce of common sense would get that. I was just watching an old episode of a 1970s British sit-com called George & Mildred when one of the characters said the line "Blimey! Look at him. Once dance lesson and already he thinks he's John Travolta". This was obviously meant as a joke, but no doubt you would have got angry and written to the show's writers stating "At no point did that guy who took the dance lesson ever say he was John Travolta. You just made that up!"
If you can't stand the heat........
But if it's only entertainment you seek, you might indeed be better of on a Brexit or Trump forum.
This is indeed a JFK forum and as soon as you say anything remotely interesting I may well reply.
And yes, it's an absolute ridiculous suggestion that you think you can tell me what I should do.
Now, do you have anything of significance to say, or not?
Well clearly not as far as you're concerned. I'm clearly just "a newbie" who's not worthy of your expertise or time so I won't be offended if you don't bother replying to this with another one of your long winded accusations of how I'm putting words in people's mouths or not backing any of my notions up with hard evidence.