Or... and I know this is a stretch for you, but bare with me...
What, you want me to get naked?
Mary Brock saw Oswald walk past her around 1:20 since we know Reynolds and Patterson followed Oswald to that point...
That's not what you said. You said they saw him "somewhere around the Texaco station".
and Reynolds and Patterson could not have been following Oswald for more then a couple minutes as it's only one block from Patton & Jefferson (Reynolds' and Patterson's location at the time of the shooting) to the Texaco station.
Another assumption. Reynolds and Patterson saw a guy coming down Patton Street. They didn't know where he came from or how long it took him to get there.
It's painfully obvious that the time approximation of 1:30 is just that, an approximation. You can take it literal if you wish, but that shows that either you don't have a clue about the witnesses and timelines or your dishonest and not interested in the truth.
What it shows is that you'll make up whatever times you think will support your narrative.
How about this... Explain how the man could literally walk past Mary Brock as late as 1:30 if it's the same man who Reynolds and Patterson were following once they saw him run down Patton from the direction of the shooting. We're talking about a parking lot located two blocks from the shooting scene. 1:30? How does that work?
That was
my question. How does that work? I'm not sure it
was the same man. Mary Brock's husband wasn't so sure.
Isn't it time to start being honest?
Yes, I think you should be.