Decades later, Hill would claim that he thought the shells were from an automatic because of the way they were scattered about on the ground.
Clearly you believe this obvious lie by Hill..... and the fact that you believe it, reveals how gullible and obtuse you are.
The spent shells were not merely "scattered about" as if they had been ejected from an automatic ....The shells were dispersed over a wide area... and no 38 automatic ejects and flings the spent shells 60 to 80 feet.
And since you clearly don't know much....It may be of interest to you to learn that Domingo Benevides watched the killer remove the spent shells from a REVOLVER ( that was NOT a S&W) ONE SHELL AT A TIME........
I guess you missed the 80% of my post where I let the cat out of the bag as to why I think Hill decided the cases would have been from an automatic. Two hints: It doesn't include Hill's later claim, and it starts with the word "--However--" Also, ponder the meaning of the word "however"
As for the argument about where the cases were found versus where the gunman was determined to be, you are technically right. However (that word again!), Hill had only been at the scene for a few minutes. As evidenced by the radio traffic at the time, the emphasis at that point was on identifying, locating, and arresting the perpetrator, not on reconstructing the crime. At the time of his transmission, Hill may not have had a clear idea on who was where doing what and when during the shooting, so the distance between the car and the cases may not have been significant in his mind at the time.
BTW, where did Benevides ever say he saw a revolver?