As I've already pointed out, I can't help someone with this irrational backward way of problem solving.
But I'm not problem solving.
The problem has, apparently, been "solved".
I am examining this solution and my point is simple - if it is indeed a Hoax, then that Hoax must be able to withstand at least mild scrutiny. I don't have to get lost in the details as this has already been done by researchers like LeDoux, who has gathered all the anomalous material together and presented his solution explaining that anomalous material.
This solution must answer this most basic question - if the Hoax is real, why was it done?
There has to be a convincing, coherent answer to this question.
LeDoux's answer to this question is - to have Oswald living close to the scene of the Tippit shooting.
I find this answer highly problematic and very unsatisfactory.
But this is not to say that there's not a better answer to this question or that the anomalous material has somehow been dealt with just because I don't like the answer.
As I understand it, Oswald's house keys are never found, not on him or at the house. That's weird.
Why does the fake-looking slip of paper Gladys Johnson wants back only have one "signature" on it if it is a record of Oswald's payments?
Why is the guest register never produced? [or sold to the highest bidder]
There's something fishy going on at Ma Johnson's rooming house, that's for sure.
Why would you hope to understand how a "very complex and audacious Hoax is being perpetrated" based on a flawed investigation
and why would you assume these people were adequately prepped?
Are the Johnsons and Earlene being told what to say or not?
Are they making it up as they go along?
How is this Hoax working?
Having the Johnsons basically testify that the DP were round at the house before Oswald was arrested is a colossal blunder as far as the Hoax is concerned. It's absolutely monumental. Surely a basic detail such as this would have been covered in the preparation for the story the Johnsons and Earlene were going to tell.
Once we start considering the Hoax as a reality it must make sense and the Johnsons effectively testifying that the DP arrived before Oswald was arrested makes zero sense. [Or is this another argument from ignorance and that there are people far more intelligent than I am who understand how this is not a catastrophic mistake]
Argument from ignorance, making zero sense to you doesn't mean there's no one out there smarter than you. People take stupid risks all the time like running red lights getting themselves and others killed.
Setting the Hoax up in a rooming house makes zero sense.
Unless it's being made up on the fly.
If that's the case then a whole other can of worms is opened up.
The Johnsons testifying that the DP arrive before Oswald is arrested isn't a "stupid risk", it's a massive mistake in the context of the Hoax being a reality
But the WC turned every stone?
IMO the WC is a sick joke.
A perverted pantomime. A cover-up of a cover-up.
If there is a single reason this debate rages on it is the utter farce that is the Warren Commission.