Why defame the witness?
Helen Markham saw J.D. Tippit tailing a man who was approaching from the west ( traveling east)
"Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes; I seen this man on the opposite side, across the street from me. He was almost across Patton Street.
Mr. BALL. Almost across Patton?
Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Walking in what direction?
Mrs. MARKHAM. I guess this would be south."
She said she saw Oswald lean into an open window of the car; two witnesses and a photograph confirm that all windows were closed.
But the wing window was open.......so Markham could easily have seen the man talking to Tippit through the vent window.
Sorry,Walt. she said the window was
down"Mr. BALL. He put his arms on the window ledge?
Mrs. MARKHAM. The window was down. "